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Exploiting Software: How to Break Code

This is a very exciting book, full of nitty-gritty details you need to be familiar with in order to understand how attackers find software holes and build exploits. These …

The Art of UNIX Programming

This is the Bible for people who regard UNIX as a religion or philosophy. This title is definitely not aimed at an beginner audience although those will less knowledge will …

HackNotes Network Security Portable Reference

This book is perfectly suited for two different types of readers: those who are working within the Information Security field and need to catch up with some of the most common …

Inside Windows Server 2003

From what I've read I can say that this book will certainly aid you in the understanding of the numerous features of Windows Server 2003 as well as issues you might encounter …

STAT Scanner 5.27

A security scanner is one of the most important software titles in a network administrator's toolbox so naturally I was happy to try out a new one. When I got Harris …

Securing Systems with the Solaris Security Toolkit

This book is part of an on-going series of books known as the Sun Blueprints Program. What this publication wants to provide are best practices for securing the Solaris …

SignWise Pro 2.51

Handhelds are steadily becoming a must have for a number of organizations and because all the services they provide, we tend to cram a lot of important data on them. Some …

The Ultimate Windows Server 2003 System Administrator’s Guide

This book is a comprehensive guide. It covers fundamentals of Windows Server 2003 which are inherited from Windows 2000 administration. It brings details of planning, …

GFI LANguard Network Security Scanner 3.3

The variety of features and a simple interface make the LANguard Network Security Scanner a good scanner for any security professionals' toolbox. I think the possibility to …

HackNotes Web Security Pocket Reference

I would highly recommend this book to all those programmers who should consider security very seriously. Even if you are familiar with the usual web application security …

Securing Wireless LANs

In "Securing Wireless LANs", the author brings a number of especially technical themes and transforms them into an easily readable material for all types of readers. Some …

Introduction to UNIX and Linux

In this book John Muster will teach you how to use UNIX and Linux through clear presentation of the concepts. The subjects covered in each chapter are organized in a way the …

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