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Designing BSD Rootkits: An Introduction to Kernel Hacking

This book covers a very technical and fascinating topic that hasn't received much bookshelf space before this book was released. This title aims to give you the knowledge …

Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery

Although fuzzing may sound like a new concept to some, the term is related to a concept that has been around for a couple of decades. It became famous in the past year as a …

The Craft of System Security

Computer security is an immense topic and there are thousands of books available that cover every possible technology and tool on the market. What makes this book different …

Security Data Visualization

The visualization of security data is useful to the modern security analyst, and it will certainly become essential in certain environments very soon. Never has there been …

LAN Switch Security: What Hackers Know About Your Switches

The majority of security books reviewed on Help Net Security are focused on specific technologies, software platforms and hot security issues everyone is talking about. Cisco …

Ubuntu Linux for Non-Geeks (2nd Edition)

Many still believe that using Linux requires some advanced knowledge and that it's far for being user friendly. With time, user friendliness has become an important part of …

Wi-Fi Hotspots: Setting Up Public Wireless Internet Access

These days, if you find yourself at the airport, in a hotel or coffee shop, you're bound to see someone using a notebook, smartphone or PDA connected to the Internet. This is …

Linux Firewalls: Attack Detection and Response with iptables, psad and fwsnort

I think there's no need to emphasize the significance of a firewall in the overall security architecture. Countless security professionals turn to Linux when it comes to …

Virtual Honeypots: From Botnet Tracking to Intrusion Detection

In order to stay one step ahead the attackers you have to learn what they know. Honeypots enable security professionals to identify potential risks and improve their defensive …

Ubuntu Unleashed (2nd Edition)

According to the 2007 Desktop Linux Survey, 30 percent of the respondents are using Ubuntu, and this makes it the most popular desktop Linux distribution. With such a large …

Security Metrics: Replacing Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt

In the modern enterprise environment, investing in security and implementing is properly is a complex process that has to be based on certain metrics. Furthermore, how can one …

Certified Ethical Hacker Exam Prep

This title takes you on a tour of all the areas you need to be proficient in to pass the Certified Ethical Hacker exam. If you manage to absorb everything in this book, and …

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