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Head First Networking

This book is really good example of why you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. If you flip through it (and you're not acquainted with O'Reilly's "Head First" series), the …

The Google Way: How One Company is Revolutionizing Management As We Know It

You heard of Google, right? I'm joking of course. During the past ten years, Google has evolved from a small startup to one of the pillars of the modern day Internet. We are …

iPhone security software: iVault pro

Password and data managers are the most common iPhone security applications. The device is getting more and more users and they want to have secure data on the go. While …

Malicious Bots: An Inside Look into the Cyber-Criminal Underground of the Internet

While flying to security events around the globe, I stock myself with a couple of The Economist issues which are meant to last until the connecting flight to the next …

iPhone security software: Notes+

Notes+ is rather a simple utility - its main function is to be used as a note taking utility with a twist. The twist in this situation is a security lock which can be turned …

Trend Smart Surfing for iPhone and iPod touch

Trend Micro recently launched "Trend Smart Surfing", a freeware iPhone application that provides URL reputation checks for iPhone users browsing the Web.

The Manga Guide to Databases

While writing this review, I turned my head right and visually browsed my bookshelf. Somewhere in the third row there are six different books related to databases, especially …

Networking (2nd Edition)

Computer networking is one of those subjects that is essential to computer professionals working in various fields. While there's a great deal of titles covering networking …

Programming Amazon Web Services: S3, EC2, SQS, FPS, and SimpleDB

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a suite of web services provided by the e-commerce giant, that offers third party developers a way to build on its technology platform. Soon after …

CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide

When it comes to getting a confirmation regarding your IT knowledge, the Cisco certification program is certainly among the first ones that come to mind. If you want to learn …

Hacking VoIP: Protocols, Attacks, and Countermeasures

VoIP has given us an affordable alternative to telecommunications providers that were charging us a small fortune for telephone calls, especially those made to international …

IPv6 Security

With the online world rapidly expanding, we are moving towards the IPv6 protocol. With this migration it becomes essential for networking professionals to gain insight into …

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