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BackTrack 5 Wireless Penetration Testing

If you're considering a career in penetration testing, you probably already know that BackTrack is the Linux distribution favored by most pentesters due to it being preloaded …

A Bug Hunter’s Diary

For individuals who make a living developing and maintaining software systems, finding bugs in their own code is almost a daily ritual. Working on software developing projects …

The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing

Have you always wondered about how penetration testing is performed, but never had the opportunity to ask a professional about it or to witness him (or her) at work? If that's …

Cybercrime and Espionage

The authors, seasoned experts in the information security field with obvious intelligence insights, provide the readers with an interesting overview of the current biggest …

iPhone and iOS Forensics

With the seemingly unstoppable popularity of Apple mobile devices such as the iPhone and the iPad, forensic specialists need to learn about the specific device models and …

CCNP Security Secure 642-637 Official Cert Guide

The title of the book says it all - thick and all-encompassing, it covers the topics addressed in the exam CCNP Secure 642-637, but it should not be considered the only source …

Cisco Firewalls

There used to be a time when firewalls were considered a full proof solution for protecting networks, and that time is long gone. History has taught us there are no silver …

Kingpin: How One Hacker Took Over the Billion-Dollar Cybercrime Underground

If you followed our site over the years, you had the opportunity to read a little about some of the protagonists of this book: Max Vision the creator of CardersMarket, Albert …

IPv6 for Enterprise Networks

The February news that the last batch of IPv4 addresses has been distributed has resounded across the Internet as a final wake up call. It made everybody aware of the fact …

Mining the Social Web: Analyzing Data from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Other Social Media Sites

The only way you could have missed the fact that the social networking boom has led to huge amounts of social data becoming available to knowledgeable searchers is if you …

PKI Uncovered: Certificate-Based Security Solutions for Next-Generation Networks

The management of identities and online authentication are two problems to which so far only Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) has managed to give a secure and scalable answer …

Building the Mobile Internet

It is common knowledge that the world is going mobile, and that we want to be able to connect to the Internet wherever we are. As the Internet’s original protocols and design …

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