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Blackhatonomics: An Inside Look at the Economics of Cybercrime

If you need to get in the minds of cyber criminals to understand their motives and the economics of cyber crime, this book is enough to get you started.

Codeproof for iOS

Codeproof Technologie is a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) provider from Redmond that offers a mobile device management (MDM) solution for Android and iOS devices. This review …

Cloud storage and sharing with MediaFire

MediaFire is a cloud storage service that enables you to store and share data. Read on to discover is features and learn how well it works.

Nipper Studio: A new approach to security auditing

Developed by UK-based Titania Ltd., Nipper Studio is an interesting solution that takes a whole new approach towards security auditing. Wouldn't it be great to be able to …

Instant Penetration Testing: Setting Up a Test Lab How-to

If you want to start practicing penetration testing, you will be needing a test lab. This book will tell you what you need in order to do it, how to set it up, and how to use …

Lookout for iPhone

One of the recent issues of Forbes magazine featured a three-page story on Lookout Inc., the company that, according to the article, has been able to trounce …

The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win

As I've always worked at small companies, I've been fascinated by the politics and problems experienced by those working for larger organizations. Surviving and thriving in …

Client-Side Attacks and Defense

Whether it's security vulnerabilities in software used by millions of home users and employees, or the natural human tendency to trust what comes at us, but even the most …

Secret Contacts+ 1.0 for iOS

Secret Contacts+ enables you to manage a completely private contact list. You can either add new contacts or copy the ones from your current contact list.

Wide Open Privacy: Strategies For The Digital Life

We live in a digital age where it's become normal to see people post photos of their credit cards online, parents share on Facebook images of their newborns right from the …

Advanced Persistent Threat

As more and more information becomes available and is stored in electronic form, the logical consequence is that APT actors will focus on breaching networks and systems on …

Windows 8 Inside Out

When Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer launched Windows 8, he dubbed it a re-imagined operating system. When you introduce so many new features and a different UI, you're going to …

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