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Big predictions for sensors in the global security and surveillance market

The Internet of Things (IoT) is bringing about a new era of connectivity in the digital age, connecting critical business sectors through a network of secure data flow, …

Week in review: DoS attacks against hard disk, ethical hacking, and the rise of ransom hacks

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Norwegian health authority hacked, patient data of nearly 3 million citizens possibly …

What has the Necurs botnet been up to?

The Necurs botnet has been slowly growing since late 2012 and still tops the list of largest spam botnets in the world. Since then, the botnet has occasionally stopped or …

Researchers uncover mobile, PC surveillance platform tied to different nation-state actors

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and mobile security company Lookout have uncovered a new malware espionage campaign that has targeted activists, journalists, lawyers, …

Google Play
Infosec expert viewpoint: Google Play malware

Researchers routinely discover a variety of malicious apps on Google Play, some of which have been downloaded and installed on millions of devices worldwide. Here’s what …

PAS Cyber Integrity
New infosec products of the week​: January 19, 2018

Continuous vulnerability management for ICS cybersecurity PAS Cyber Integrity 6.0 now includes continuous vulnerability management providing visibility into vulnerability risk …

cloud spending
IT infrastructure spending for cloud environments to reach $46.5 billion in 2017

Total spending on IT infrastructure products (server, enterprise storage, and Ethernet switches) for deployment in cloud environments is expected to total $46.5 billion in …

G Suite
G Suite users get a better view of their enterprise security posture

Google is rolling out a new security tool for G Suite Enterprise users: the Security Center. The tool aims to give administrators a better understanding of their …

HITB Security Conference in Amsterdam to feature innovative research on attack and defense topics

The agenda for Day 1 of the 9th annual HITB Security Conference in The Netherlands has been announced and it’s packed with cutting edge research on a range of attack and …

Norwegian health authority hacked, patient data of nearly 3 million citizens possibly compromised

Hackers have breached the systems of the Southern and Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Sør-Øst RHF), and possibly made off with personal information and health …

What is the impact and likelihood of global risks?

The World Economic Forum, a not-for-profit foundation that each year gathers participants from around the world to discuss a wide range of global issues, has published its …

Is ethical hacking more lucrative than software engineering?

HackerOne published its 2018 Hacker Report, which examines the geography, demographics, experience, tools used and motivations of nearly 2,000 bug bounty hackers across 100 …

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