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Russian, Indian banks lose millions to hackers

The Russian central bank’s Financial Sector Computer Emergency Response Team (FinCERT) disclosed on Friday that hackers compromised a computer at a Russian bank and used …

Global cyber risk perception: Highest management priorities

Few organizations are highly confident in their ability to manage the risk of a cyber-attack, despite viewing cybersecurity as a top risk management priority, according to a …

Week in review: Vulnerability tracking, GDPR quick guide, tackling the insider threat

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Intel offers to pay for Spectre-like side channel vulnerabilities Intel is expanding …

general virtual digital
Dell EMC plugs critical bugs in VMAX enterprise storage offerings

Dell EMC has patched two critical flaws in vApp Manager, the management interface for its VMAX enterprise storage systems, and is urging all customers to implement fixes as …

cloud storage
Scanned IDs of 119,000 FedEx customers exposed online

An unsecured Amazon Web Services bucket holding personal information and scans of IDs of some 119,000 US and international citizens has been found sitting online by Kromtech …

New infosec products of the week​: February 16, 2018

ScramFS: Encryption system for safeguarding cloud data Scram Software has announced that ScramFS – an internationally peer-reviewed encryption system for safeguarding …

bug bounties
Intel offers to pay for Spectre-like side channel vulnerabilities

Intel is expanding the bug bounty program it started last March, and is raising considerably the awards it plans to give out for helpful vulnerability information. Where …

Still relying solely on CVE and NVD for vulnerability tracking? Bad idea

2017 broke the previous all-time record for the highest number of reported vulnerabilities. The 20,832 vulnerabilities cataloged during 2017 by Risk Based Security (VulnDB) …

UK government officially blames Russia for NotPetya attack

The UK government has officially attributed the June 2017 NotPetya cyber attack to the Russian government. The statement is backed by an assessment of the UK’s National Cyber …

IoT botnet bypasses firewalls to get to ZyXEL modems

NewSky Security’s honeypots have detected a new IoT botnet in the making. The botnet was named DoubleDoor, as it leverages two distinct backdoors to get to the target: …

7 steps security leaders can take to deal with Spectre and Meltdown

Security and risk management leaders must take a pragmatic and risk-based approach to the ongoing threats posed by an entirely new class of vulnerabilities, according to …

A five-year analysis of reported Windows vulnerabilities

Based on analysis of all disclosed Microsoft vulnerabilities in 2017, a new Avecto report shows a significant rise in the number of reported vulnerabilities. Last year, 685 …

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