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Intelligence sharing is crucial in the fight against cybercrime

Malware variants previously focused on the financial sector are now successfully attacking non-banking targets, according to Blueliv. A higher level of collaboration and …

The driving force of cloud security investments

A new Netwrix report supplements the 2018 Netwrix Cloud Security Report, unveiling survey findings specific to various industries and regions. Overall, 853 organizations …

Locked Windows machines can be compromised through Cortana

Compromising locked Windows computers that have the Cortana voice-activated virtual assistant enabled is relatively easy – or it was until Microsoft made a simple tweak. …

Exim vulnerability opens 400,000 servers to remote code execution

If you’re using the Exim mail transfer agent on your Internet-connected Unix-like systems and you haven’t yet upgraded to version 4.90.1, now is the time to do it …

Most top US higher ed institutions fail to protect students from phishing

88.8 percent of the root domains operated by top colleges and universities in the United States are putting their students, staff and other recipients at risk for phishing …

Cyber attacks becoming No. 1 business risk

SonicWall recorded 9.32 billion malware attacks in 2017 and saw more than 12,500 new Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) reported for the year. “The cyber arms race …

Global security trends for 2018: GDPR, identity and access security

In its third annual global IT security survey, Versasec found Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is impacting security planning around the world, smart …

Wire shares results of independent security audit of its secure messaging apps

When I last spoke to Alan Duric, co-founder and (at the time) CEO of the company developing secure messaging application Wire, he stressed the importance of independent and …

Criminals can build Web dossiers with data collected by browsers

Everybody knows by now that websites collect information about users’ location, visited pages, and other data that can help them improve or monetize the experience. But …

Cryptocurrency-stealing malware relies on victims copy-pasting wallet info

An unconventional email spam campaign has been delivering unusual cryptocurrency-stealing malware to American and Japanese users. The emails are sporting “Re: …

connected car
Backdooring connected cars for covert remote control

We’ve all known for a while now that the security of connected cars leaves a lot to be desired. The latest proof of that sad state of affairs comes from Argentinian …

mobile device
New LTE attacks open users to eavesdropping, fake messages, location spoofing

A group of researchers has uncovered ten new attacks against the 4G LTE wireless data communications technology for mobile devices and data terminals. The attacks exploit …

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