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Companies reliant on consumer data are at risk

Companies with business models reliant on the increasing quantity and scope of consumer data are at risk if public ambivalence about data privacy turns to opposition, …

How often are users’ DNS queries intercepted?

A group of Chinese researchers wanted to find out just how widespread DNS interception is and has presented the result of their large-scale study to the audience at the Usenix …

Retail and finance top the list of vulnerable industries, increasingly targeted with credential threat campaigns

The finance, professional, and information sectors had the highest volume and most variety of malicious activity in Q2 2018, says Rapid7, and the manufacturing sector is …

3D printed parts code
Researchers convert QR codes into complex 3D features to foil IP pirates

The worldwide market for 3D-printed parts is a $5 billion business with a global supply chain involving the internet, email, and the cloud – creating a number of opportunities …

How to develop the right strategy to increase IoT security

As more and more devices become connected, many industries that were previously secure are experiencing new threats or attacks to their devices and services. In this podcast …

Researchers reveal new online user tracking techniques

Researchers have identified a number of online user tracking techniques that can’t be blocked by browsers’ built-in anti-tracking defenses and existing …

connected house
Smart homes can be easily hacked via unsecured MQTT servers

The Internet of Things is full of security holes, and the latest one has been pointed out by Avast researcher Martin Hron: unsecured MQTT servers. What is MQTT? The Message …

Making informed decisions: The importance of data driven security

When deciding what product to buy, the information the vendor offers about the product is helpful, but not nearly enough: you need to analyze individual product results and …

Who’s trying to eavesdrop on your customers’ encrypted mobile traffic?

The number one source of TLS/SSL Man in the Middle (MitM) attacks on encrypted mobile traffic are not corporate firewalls or captive portals used by hotels, airports and other …

The importance of career pathing in the cybersecurity industry

A major issue facing our industry right now is a significant shortage of talented, skilled cybersecurity professionals. Whether that’s due to lack of interest or a fundamental …

Don’t sleep on laptop security, safeguard your data

For many of us, shutting our laptops after a tough day in the office is a satisfying feeling that signals the end of work until tomorrow. But what we don’t realise is that …

Week in review: Office 365 phishing, compromising networks with malicious faxes

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: AT&T sued for enabling SIM swap fraud A cryptocurrency investor is suing …

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