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How the Google and Facebook outages could impact application security

With major outages impacting Gmail, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram recently, consumers are right to be concerned over the security of their private data. While details of …

A network is only as strong as its weakest shard

Blockchain, a nascent technology, has enterprises globally enamored with the promise it holds to fundamentally turn everything from how we interact, transact, store, and …

Unsurprisingly, only 14% of companies are compliant with CCPA

With less than 10 months before the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) goes into effect, only 14% of companies are compliant with CCPA and 44% have not yet started the …

Nearly half of organizations lack the necessary talent to maintain security measures

Regardless of their size, organizations share a common challenge: IT security teams are understaffed and overextended. The number of security alerts, the challenge of what to …

Fewer than 28% of using DMARC effectively in line with guidelines

Only 28% of domains have been proactive in setting up DMARC appropriately, in line with UK Government Digital Service (GDS) advice in preparation for the retirement of …

Denial of Service vulnerability discovered in Triconex TriStation Software Suite Emulator

Applied Risk ICS Security Consultant Tom Westenberg discovered a DoS vulnerability in an emulated version of the Triconex TriStation Software Suite. Triconex is a Schneider …

mountain connect
(ISC)² brings its Secure Summit to The Hague

Supporting its membership and the wider sector with continuous education opportunities is a major part of what (ISC)2 does as a membership organisation for certified …

Mirai variant picks up new tricks, expands list of targeted devices

Mirai, the infamous malware that turns Linux-based IoT devices into remotely controlled bots, has been updated to target new devices and device types. Among these are LG …

The art of securing ERP applications: Protecting your critical business processes

In this Help Net Security podcast recorded at RSA Conference 2019, Juan Pablo Perez-Etchegoyen, CTO at Onapsis talks about the challenges of securing and monitoring ERP …

Four key security tips when using any collaboration technology

With database breaches and ransomware attacks making daily news, security is now a top priority for companies, and collaboration solutions are no exception. In the current age …

Signal Sciences
The modern threat landscape and expanding CISO challenges

Prior to starting Signal Sciences, its founders were running security at Etsy, and growing frustrated with existing legacy technology. So they built their own. For this …

Tax season scaries: How to keep your data safe from insider threats

With April 15 quickly approaching, companies across the country are rushing to get their taxes filed. This often requires third party specialists who are well-versed in …

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