Embrace chaos to improve cloud infrastructure resilience
Netflix is a champion of using chaos engineering to improve the resilience of its cloud infrastructure. That’s how it ensures its customers don’t have their Stranger Things …

2018 in numbers: Data breaches cost $654 billion, expose 2.8 billion data records in the U.S.
Cybercriminals exposed 2.8 billion consumer data records in 2018, costing over $654 billion to U.S. organizations, according to ForgeRock. Cyberattacks to U.S. financial …

Despite disclosure laws, cybercrime may be widely underreported
While attack vectors remain largely the same year over year, attack volume will increase and cybercrime may be vastly underreported, according to the 2019 State of …

Unclassified data creates security blind spots for most companies
Global businesses continue to house ‘dark data’ within their organizations, creating a honeypot for cybercriminals, finds research from Veritas Technologies. The …

Apple debuts privacy-minded “Sign in with Apple” SSO
Among the many news shared during Apple’s annual developer conference there’s one that stands out: the introduction of “Sign in with Apple”. About the …

Nearly 12 million Quest Diagnostics patients affected by data breach
Quest Diagnostics, a US-based company that offers medical testing services, has announced that a third-party billing collections company they use has been hit by a data …

Is your private equity firm exposed to these hidden IT risks?
Skydivers know that there is a risk their parachute won’t open. Police officers know their daily jobs come with the inherent risk of danger. And private equity firms know …

Hack The Sea: Bridging the gap between hackers and the maritime sector
There’s a not a lot of researchers probing the security of computer systems underpinning the maritime industry. The limitations that keep that number low are obvious: …

Is AI fundamental to the future of cybersecurity?
While a significant proportion of SMEs believe in their current approach to security, they are struggling when it comes to allocation of budget, according to a Senseon …

How organizations are managing vulnerability risks
Tripwire evaluated how organizations are managing vulnerability risks and found that more than one in four (27 percent) globally have been breached as a result of unpatched …

Qualys at Infosecurity Europe 2019: Hear best practices from industry leaders
There will be no lack of interesting content from Qualys at Infosecurity Europe 2019 this year. Depending on you interests, you might want to make time for some of these talks …

Scientists uncover vulnerability in FPGAs, affecting cloud services and IoT
Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are, so to say, a computer manufacturer’s “Lego bricks”: electronic components that can be employed in a more flexible …