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Windows Defender
A bug made some Windows Defender antivirus scans fail

Microsoft has released a fix for a bug that made its Windows Defender Antivirus fail after a few seconds when users opted for a Quick or Full scan of the system. Users are …

(IN)SECURE Magazine issue 63 released

(IN)SECURE Magazine is a free digital security publication discussing some of the hottest information security topics. Issue 63 has been released today. It’s a free …

SLAs: What your cybersecurity vendor isn’t telling you

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) have been used in the IT world for many years as a contractual mechanism for holding service providers accountable and extracting defined …

Businesses need to treat cybersecurity as something that crosses organizational boundaries

Companies are working to balance their desire for new innovations with their need for strong cyber-defenses, according to a new report from CompTIA. CompTIA’s …

The use of open source software in DevOps has become strategic for organizations of all sizes

A higher percentage of top performing teams in enterprise organizations are using open source software, according to a survey conducted by DevOps Research and Assessment …

connected car
Improving the security, privacy and safety of future connected vehicles

The security, privacy and safety of connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) has been improved thanks to testing at WMG, University of Warwick. CAVs can now connect to each other, …

World’s top 25 CTF teams to battle for $100,000 at HITB PRO CTF

In less than a month, Hack In The Box is launching its biggest global event: HITB+CyberWeek 2019. It is a week-long gathering (October 12-17, 2019, at Emirates Palace, Abu …

Security is slowly becoming essential to doing business

A veteran of the information security industry, Greg Jensen has spent the last six years at Oracle as the Senior Director of Oracle’s Cloud Security solutions. He’s also …

DNSSEC fueling new wave of DNS amplification attacks

DNS amplification attacks swelled in the second quarter of this year, with the amplified attacks spiking more than 1,000% compared with Q2 2018, according to Nexusguard. …

Confidential data of 24.3 million patients discovered online

Greenbone Networks has released details of new research in to the security of the servers used by health providers across the world to store images of X-rays as well as CT, …

Businesses facing post breach financial fallout by losing customer trust

44% of Americans, 38% of Brits, 33% of Australians, and 37% of Canadians have been the victim of a data breach, according to newly released research conducted by PCI Pal. The …

What are the most connected countries around the world?

How connected a country is does not only mean how freely information can be reached or how many people have access to the internet or social media – it goes much further than …

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