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Cisco WebEx
Vulnerability in Cisco Webex and Zoom may expose online meetings to snooping

Cequence Security’s CQ Prime Threat Research Team discovered of a vulnerability in Cisco Webex and Zoom video conferencing platforms that potentially allows an attacker to …

Guess what? You should patch Exim again!

Hot on the heels of a patch for a critical RCE Exim flaw comes another one that fixes a denial of service (DoS) condition (CVE-2019-16928) that could also be exploited by …

Assessing risk: Measuring the health of your infosec environment

There is an uncomfortable truth that many organizations are not conducting comprehensive assessments of their information security risk; or those that do aren’t getting much …

Managing and monitoring privileged access to cloud ecosystems

Cloud data breaches are on the rise, demonstrating time and again the need for a different approach and strategy when it comes to managing and monitoring privileged access to …

38% of the Fortune 500 do not have a CISO

To uncover whether the world’s leading companies are committed to enhancing their cybersecurity initiatives, Bitglass researched the members of the 2019 Fortune 500 and …

Email is an open door for malicious actors looking to exploit businesses

There’s an alarming scale of risks businesses are up against in a time when email is proving an open door for cybercriminals and malicious actors looking to disrupt, …

Employee negligence can be a leading contributor to data breaches

Two thirds (68%) of businesses reported their organization has experienced at least one data breach in the past 12 months, and nearly three in four (69%) of those data …

Tolly report
Tolly report: Evaluating the evolution of network traffic analysis technology

Network Traffic Analysis has been rapidly evolving to counter the increased sophistication of threats experienced by organizations worldwide. Test methodologies and tools are …

Ransomware attacks against small towns require collective defense

There is a war hitting small-town America. Hackers are not only on our shores, but they’re in our water districts, in our regional hospitals, and in our 911 emergency systems. …

Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft to block 40+ additional file extensions in Outlook on the web

Microsoft is planning to block by default 40+ new file types in Outlook on the web to improve the security for their customers. “We took the time to audit the existing …

How long before quantum computers break encryption?

The verdict is in: quantum computing poses an existential threat to asymmetric cryptography algorithms like RSA and ECC that underpin practically all current Internet …

A proactive approach to cybersecurity requires the right tools, not more tools

The key challenge facing security leaders and putting their organizations at risk of breach is misplaced confidence that the abundance of technology investments they have made …

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