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ICS cybersecurity investment should be a priority in protecting operations from disruption

93% of ICS security professionals are concerned about cyberattacks causing operational shutdown or customer-impacting downtime, according to a Tripwire survey. In an effort to …

New method validates the integrity of computer chips using x-rays

Guaranteeing that computer chips, that can consist of billions of interconnected transistors, are manufactured without defects is a challenge. But how to determine if a chip …

5G is here, now what?

5G is being positioned as a “network of networks” that will encompass public and private components, licensed and unlicensed spectrum, and even expand beyond cellular, to …

Microsoft NTLM
Microsoft NTLM vulnerabilities could lead to full domain compromise

Preempt researchers have discovered two vulnerabilities that may allow attackers to bypass a number of protections and mitigations against NTLM relay attacks and, in some …

2FA, HTTPS and private browsing still a mystery to most Americans

Most US adults know what phishing scams are and where they occur, what browser cookies do, and that advertising is the largest source of revenue for most social media …

Critical command execution vulnerability in iTerm2 patched, upgrade ASAP!

A critical vulnerability (CVE-2019-9535) in iTerm2, a macOS terminal emulator frequently used by developers and system administrators, could allow attackers to take control of …

Build or buy: What to consider when deploying on-premise or cloud-based PKI

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), once considered an IT table stake, has transformed from a tool used to protect websites to a core digital identity management function within …

Cybercrime is maturing, shifting its focus to larger and more profitable targets

Cybercrime is continuing to mature and becoming more and more bold, shifting its focus to larger and more profitable targets as well as new technologies. Data is the key …

Only 32% of organizations employ a security-first approach to cloud data storage

Although nearly half (48%) of corporate data is stored in the cloud, only a third (32%) of organizations admit they employ a security-first approach to data storage in the …

Does poor password hygiene still hamper your ability to achieve high security standards?

While more businesses are investing in security measures like multifactor authentication (MFA), employees still have poor password habits that weaken companies’ overall …

Impact and prevalence of cyberattacks that use stolen hashed administrator credentials

There’s a significant prevalence and impact of cyberattacks that use stolen hashed administrator credentials, also referred to as Pass the Hash (PtH) attacks, within …

ebook threat intelligence platforms
Free eBook: Threat intelligence platforms

Today’s threat environment is complex and dynamic. The internet was built for connectivity, not security, and approaches such as intrusion detection systems, anti-virus …

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Cybersecurity news