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“Smart city” governments should also be smart about security

While the definition of “smart city” is still under debate, one thing is indisputable: the technologies used to make smart cities a reality are currently acquired …

Viewing cybersecurity incidents as normal accidents

As we continue on through National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM), a time to focus on how cybersecurity is a shared responsibility that affects all Americans, one of …

Alsid for AD
Product showcase: Alsid for AD

You are using Active Directory (AD) every day, every hour, every minute when you log into your device, open your emails, access an application, or share a file. But, guess …

AI development has major security, privacy and ethical blind spots

Security, privacy and ethics are low-priority issues for developers when modeling their machine learning solutions, according to O’Reilly. Major issues Security is the most …

Most expect the risk of privileged user abuse to increase

Insufficient privileged access management (PAM) practices continue to be a critical challenge for many organizations despite significant risks of data breaches and security …

ThreatConnect SOAR Platforms
Free SOAR Platforms eBook

A SOAR platform represents an evolution in security operations driven by the vast amounts of data that must be processed. Working off a single platform is critical to …

Analysis reveals the most common causes behind mis-issued SSL/TLS certificates

We should be able to trust public key certificates, but this is the real world: mistakes and “mistakes” happen. Researchers from Indiana University Bloomington …

5 things security executives need to know about insider threat

Insider threat is, unfortunately, an issue that has not yet received sufficient priority. According to the 2018 Deloitte-NASCIO Cybersecurity Study, CISOs’ top …

New data analysis approach could strengthen the security of IoT devices

A multi-pronged data analysis approach that can strengthen the security of IoT devices, such as smart TVs, home video cameras and baby monitors, against current risks and …

Researchers may have found a way to trace serial IP hijackers

Hijacking IP addresses is an increasingly popular form of cyberattack. This is done for a range of reasons, from sending spam and malware to stealing Bitcoin. It’s estimated …

70% of presidential campaigns fail to provide adequate online privacy and security protections

An alarming 70% of the campaign websites reviewed in the OTA 2020 U.S. Presidential Campaign Audit failed to meet OTA’s privacy and security standards – potentially exposing …

connected house
Consumers concerned about connected home privacy, still few implement safety practices

In order to understand what people are doing to protect themselves from the risk of compromised smart home devices, such as internet-connected TVs, smart thermostats, home …

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