Automated systems: Flag smarter, not everything
Imagine dealing with 1,000s of security alerts a day, whilst simultaneously juggling the tasks that are part of your day-to-day job. Challenging right? This is the current …

5,183 breaches from the first nine months of 2019 exposed 7.9 billion records
According to Risk Based Security’s Q3 2019 Data Breach QuickView Report, the total number of breaches was up 33.3% compared to Q3 2018, with 5,183 breaches reported in …

Network complexity and lack of visibility contribute to misconfigurations and increased risk
Enterprises are slow to abandon manual processes, despite being short staffed, as the lack of automation, coupled with increasing network complexity risk and lack of …

Fraud rates increasing as criminals become more sophisticated
Fraud rates have been skyrocketing, with 90 voice channel attacks occurring every minute in the U.S., Pindrop reveals. Key findings Voice fraud continues to serve as a major …

Should free internet access be considered as a human right?
Free internet access must be considered as a human right, as people unable to get online – particularly in developing countries – lack meaningful ways to influence …

Download: Internal compliance assessment templates
The Comprehensive Security Guide provides security executives with a single document that gathers standardized and easy to use templates of all main compliance frameworks: …

Microsoft to honor California’s digital privacy law all through the U.S.
In the absence of a federal digital privacy law, Microsoft has decided to comply with the requirements of California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) throughout the U.S. The CCPA …

Intel releases updates to plug TPM-FAIL flaws, foil ZombieLoad v2 attacks
Intel’s Patch Tuesday releases are rarely so salient as those pushed out this month: the semiconductor chip manufacturer has patched a slew of high-profile …

November 2019 Patch Tuesday: Actively exploited IE zero-day fixed
November 2019 Patch Tuesday comes with patches for an IE zero-day exploited by attackers in the wild and four Hyper-V escapes. Microsoft updates Microsoft has delivered fixes …

Lateral phishing makes for dangerous waters, here’s how you can avoid getting caught in the net
As companies and consumers have become more aware of phishing, hackers have refined their techniques and are now launching a more advanced form of attack known as lateral …

Product showcase: SpyCloud Active Directory Guardian
Fueled by rampant employee password reuse across work and personal logins, account takeover represents a major risk to the enterprise. According to the 2019 Verizon Breach …

Researchers discover massive increase in Emotet activity
Emotet had a 730% increase in activity in September after being in a near dormant state, Nuspire discovered. Emotet, a modular banking Trojan, has added additional features to …