Challenges of using firewall tech to do segmentation
Despite the inevitability of security-related incidents, few organizations currently protect against the spread of breaches with segmentation – only 19 percent of the 300 IT …

Spam over phone and email is changing consumer communication preferences
Of today’s main communications mediums – text, phone calls and email – consumers get the most spam over phone and email: 70% said they receive spam often over email and 51% …

Know your enemy: Mapping adversary infrastructure quickly and accurately
Group-IB is a known quantity in the information security arena: in the sixteen years since its inception, the company – now headquartered in Singapore – has …

Reach the next frontier of security automation while maintaining visibility and control
As the technologies we rely on continue to evolve, they are growing at a rate that outpaces our ability to protect them. This increasing risk potential necessitates a change …

Hardware hacks: The next generation of cybercrime
Every 39 seconds there is a cyber attack affecting one out of three Americans. All organizations need to take proactive measures and think like the attackers that are …

Cybersecurity industry predictions for 2020 and beyond
When it comes to cybersecurity industry predictions for 2020, Optiv researchers expect to see a focus on privacy, evolving threat actors, pervasive deepfake videos, and …

DNSSEC still fueling DNS amplification attacks, TCP SYN flood attacks rise
DNS amplification attacks continue to increase in number, growing 4,788% over Q3 2018, according to Nexusguard. DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) remains the …

5G connections to grow from 10 million in 2019 to 1.01 billion in 2023
The number of 5G connections is forecast to grow from roughly 10 million in 2019 to 1.01 billion in 2023, IDC reveals. This represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of …

Download: Cybersecurity Job Posting Templates
Cynet’s Cybersecurity Job Posting Templates provide a list of the main responsibilities and skills for typical security positions, providing IT and security managers …

Data collection balancing act: Privacy, trust and consumer convenience
With the advent of laws like the EU’s GDPR and California’s CCPA, which are sure to be portents of things to come (i.e., more and better data privacy legislation), …

Hackers go phishing for the holidays
It’s that time of year again. Everyone’s busy – at work and at home. That includes cybercriminals, too. In fact, the holiday season is when busy, distracted people tend to be …

CISOs are skeptical about claims made by cybersecurity vendors
There is a high level of skepticism about claims due to vague product descriptions, ambiguous statistics, limited ability to measure product effectiveness, and a general lack …
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- CISOs, are your medical devices secure? Attackers are watching closely
- Cybersecurity classics: 10 books that shaped the industry
- NIST selects HQC as backup algorithm for post-quantum encryption
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