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Is your private equity firm exposed to these hidden IT risks?

Skydivers know that there is a risk their parachute won’t open. Police officers know their daily jobs come with the inherent risk of danger. And private equity firms know …

Hack The Sea: Bridging the gap between hackers and the maritime sector

There’s a not a lot of researchers probing the security of computer systems underpinning the maritime industry. The limitations that keep that number low are obvious: …

Is AI fundamental to the future of cybersecurity?

While a significant proportion of SMEs believe in their current approach to security, they are struggling when it comes to allocation of budget, according to a Senseon …

How organizations are managing vulnerability risks

Tripwire evaluated how organizations are managing vulnerability risks and found that more than one in four (27 percent) globally have been breached as a result of unpatched …

Qualys at Infosecurity Europe 2019: Hear best practices from industry leaders

There will be no lack of interesting content from Qualys at Infosecurity Europe 2019 this year. Depending on you interests, you might want to make time for some of these talks …

Field-programmable gate arrays
Scientists uncover vulnerability in FPGAs, affecting cloud services and IoT

Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are, so to say, a computer manufacturer’s “Lego bricks”: electronic components that can be employed in a more flexible …

How likely are weaponized cars?

It is easy to become absorbed by the exaggerated Hollywood depictions of car hacking scenarios – to imagine a not-so-distant future when cars or their supporting …

Why zero trust is crucial to compliance

The enterprise faces a brand new world when it comes to data privacy and security. New regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California …

open source
Growing reliance on open source libraries leaves many companies vulnerable

Organizations are becoming increasingly dependent on open source libraries (OSLs) to develop code for software and websites. However, Jing Xie, senior threat intelligence …

Cloud migration journey is more complex than anticipated for innovation and efficiency

Two-thirds of large enterprises are not realizing the full benefits of their cloud migration journeys identifying security and the complexity of business and operational …

Week in review: BlueKeep, GitHub automated security fixes, reducing the threat of legacy apps

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles and podcasts: Attackers are exploiting WordPress plugin flaw to inject malicious scripts …

Chrome extension devs must drop deceptive installation tactics

After announcing its intention to limit third-party developers’ access to Chrome’s webRequest API, which is used by many ad-blocking extensions to filter out …

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