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Business units and IT teams can no longer function in silos

Over the next two years, 50% of organizations will experience increased collaboration between their business and IT teams, according to Gartner. The dispute between business …

Week in review: Windows crypto flaw, API security risks, exploits for Citrix security hole abound

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Cable Haunt: Unknown millions of Broadcom-based cable modems open to hijacking A …

Microsoft Application Inspector: Check open source components for unwanted features

Want to know what’s in an open source software component before you use it? Microsoft Application Inspector will tell you what it does and spots potentially unwanted …

IoT cybersecurity’s worst kept secret

By improving access to data and taking advantage of them in fundamentally different ways to drive profitability, IT security executives are rapidly changing perceptions of …

Masergy Shadow IT Discovery
New infosec products of the week: January 17, 2020

Masergy Shadow IT Discovery: Automatically identify unauthorized SaaS applications Masergy Shadow IT Discovery immediately scans and identifies all applications, providing …

How to govern cybersecurity risk at the board level

Rapidly evolving cybersecurity threats are now commanding the attention of senior business leaders and boards of directors and are no longer only the concern of IT security …

Worldwide IT spending to total $3.9 trillion in 2020

Worldwide IT spending is projected to total $3.9 trillion in 2020, an increase of 3.4% from 2019, according to the latest forecast by Gartner. Global IT spending is expected …

Facebook users will be notified when their credentials are used for third-party app logins

Facebook will (finally!) explicitly tell users who use Facebook Login to log into third-party apps what information those apps are harvesting from their FB account. At the …

Embedding security, the right way

As organizations proceed to move their processes from the physical world into the digital, their risk profile changes, too – and this is not a time to take risks. By not …

Emotet remains the dark market leader for delivery-as-a-service

The vast majority of nationally sponsored cybersecurity incidents take the form of espionage through data exfiltration, with frequent employment of remote access tool Plug-X, …

Six trends attracting the attention of enterprise technology leaders

Organizations around the world will accelerate enterprise technology investment in 2020, leveraging digital improvements to make them more competitive, improve connections …

Global security services industry to experience spend growth of more than $80 billion

The global security services industry is poised to experience spend growth of more than $80 billion between 2019-2024 at a CAGR of over 8% during the forecast period, …

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