Phishers impersonate WHO, exploit coronavirus-related anxiety
Media outlets are reporting daily on the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan and the emergency repatriation of foreign citizens that found themselves in the thick of it. As cases of …

February 2020 Patch Tuesday forecast: A lot of love coming our way
The January 2020 Patch Tuesday was a light one as predicted; everyone was still catching up from the end-of-year holidays. As we gain momentum into February and move towards …

New infosec products of the week: February 7, 2020
USB armory Mk II: A secure computer on a USB stick featuring open source hardware design The USB armory Mk II’s security features include internal and external cryptographic …

Review: Cyber Minds
Humans are an essential part of any enterprise and should be considered the foundation of its cybersecurity. That’s probably easier said than done, but Shira Rubinoff has some …

Discrepancies between data sanitization policy creation and execution put data at risk
Although 96 percent of the 1,850 senior leaders within large organizations have a data sanitization policy in place, 31 percent have yet to communicate it across the business, …

43% of cloud databases are currently unencrypted
Palo Alto Networks released research showing how vulnerabilities in the development of cloud infrastructure are creating significant security risks. Alerts and events for …

In 2020, 5G deployments will continue at a frantic pace
The implementation of massive MIMO in 5G systems is changing, according to a Mobile Experts report. There’s a shift away from the dominant position of 64T64R mMIMO, …

Emotet can spread to poorly secured Wi-Fi networks and computers on them
Here’s yet another reason to secure Wi-Fi networks and Windows user accounts with a strong enough password: researchers have spotted and analyzed a malware program that …

Honware: IoT honeypot for detecting zero-day exploits
Two researchers have created a solution that could help security researchers and IoT manufacturers with detecting zero-day exploits targeting internet-connected devices more …

Which vulnerabilities were most exploited by cybercriminals in 2019?
Which ten software vulnerabilities should you patch as soon as possible (if you haven’t already)? Table of top exploited CVEs between 2016 and 2019 (repeats are noted by …

The Goldilocks principle for zero trust fraud prevention
According to Wikipedia, “zero trust is an information security framework which states that organizations should not trust any entity inside or outside of their perimeter at …

Cyberattackers decreased their activity at the end of 2019, but only to change tactics
Attackers know that humans are still the weakest link. Across the board, malicious cyber-activity was down partly as a result of hectic holiday schedules and vacations with …