Seven cybersecurity and privacy forecasts for 2020
The developments in the area of cybersecurity are alarming. As the number of smart devices in private households increases, so do the opportunities for cyber criminals to …
43% of IT professionals are still tracking assets in spreadsheets
43% of IT professionals report using spreadsheets as one of their resources for tracking assets, according to Ivanti. Further, 56% currently do not manage the entire asset …
Digital certificates still cause unplanned downtime and application outages
51% of enterprises claim low ability to detect and respond to digital certificate and key misuse, according to Keyfactor and the Ponemon Institute. “Connectivity and the …
Global spending on smart cities initiatives to total nearly $124 billion in 2020
Global spending on smart cities initiatives is forecast to total nearly $124 billion this year, an increase of 18.9% over 2019, according to IDC. The top 100 cities investing …
(IN)SECURE Magazine issue 65 released
(IN)SECURE Magazine is a free digital security publication discussing some of the hottest information security topics. Issue 65 has been released today. It’s a free …
Security pros anticipate automation will reduce IT security headcount, but not replace human expertise
The majority of companies (77 percent) continue to use or plan to use automation in the next three years, according to a Ponemon Institute and DomainTools survey. The biggest …
A closer look at the global threat landscape
60% of initial entries into victims’ networks leveraged either previously stolen credentials or known software vulnerabilities, allowing attackers to rely less on deception to …
Cryptocurrency crime losses more than double to $4.5 billion in 2019
Cryptocurrency users, exchanges and investors suffered $4.5 billion in crypto-related losses resulting from thefts, hacks, and fraud, a CipherTrace report reveals. …
Employees aware of privacy risks, but unsure of how they affect the workplace
62 percent of employees are unsure if their organization has to comply with the recently-enacted CCPA, which gives California residents enhanced consumer data privacy rights, …
Crucial trends shaping the managed services market
Managed services remain healthy and profitable, with great opportunities for growth, including advanced security, automation, and business operations, a SolarWinds report …
Download: The (ISC)2 Exam Action Plan for CISSP, SSCP, or CCSP certification
Make this year your year for (ISC)² certification. Prepping for an (ISC)² credential is a big commitment. Maybe you’ve started on the path to achieving CISSP, SSCP or CCSP …
Half of cybercrime losses in 2019 were the result of BEC scams
Business email compromise (BEC) and email account compromise (EAC) scams are still the most lucrative schemes for cybercriminals: the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center …