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IoT connection
Create secure IoT products: Enable security by design

Good practices for IoT security, with a particular focus on software development guidelines for secure IoT products and services throughout their lifetime have been introduced …

Do third-party users follow security best practices and policies?

Many organizations across the globe fall short of effectively managing access for third-party users, exposing them to significant vulnerabilities, breaches and other security …

Driving collaboration between security and IT ops teams is a major challenge

Strained relationships between security and IT ops teams leave businesses vulnerable to disruption, even with increased spending on IT security and management tools, a Tanium …

Inadequate data sanitization puts enterprises at risk of breaches and compliance failures

Global enterprises’ overconfidence and inadequate data sanitization are exposing organizations to the risk of data breach, at a time when proper data management should be at …

Cyber risk increases at all layers of the corporate network

Organizations will face a growing risk from their cloud and the supply chain, according to Trend Micro. Cyber risk increases at all levels The growing popularity of cloud and …

Waterfall Security Solutions
Podcast – Malcolm, a new tool for network visibility

Jens Wiesner of the German BSI explores Malcolm, a new (free, open source) tool for OT network visibility, brought to us by the U.S. Idaho National Labs (INL). This podcast is …

G Suite
Google introduces new G Suite security options

Google has introduced new security options for G Suite customers, including Advanced Protection for enterprise users and access control for apps accessing G Suite data. …

Monero Project site compromised, served malware-infected binaries

The official website of the Monero Project has been compromised to serve a malware-infected version of the CLI (command-line interface) wallet. The malicious file was …

Women in cybersecurity can benefit from taking inventory of their personal apps

Today, technology fits into the palm of our hand. We have become accustomed to turning to it to find all sorts of answers to everyday challenges such as where to eat, where to …

California IoT security law: What it means and why it matters

In September, California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a new bill aimed at regulating the security of IoT devices, and it’s set to go into effect in a few short months …

1.19 billion confidential medical images available on the internet

1.19 billion confidential medical images are now freely available on the internet, according to Greenbone’s research into the security of Picture Archiving and …

Only 11% of organizations can detect intruders in under one minute

The process of detecting, triaging, investigating, and containing a cyber incident takes organizations globally on average nearly seven days of working around the clock …

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