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How businesses rate their own security and compliance risks

SafeGuard Cyber announced the results of a survey of 600 senior enterprise IT and security professionals, conducted to understand how businesses rate their own security and …

What CIOs must do to create resilient and adaptive future enterprises

As the chief owners of the digital infrastructure that underpins all aspects of modern enterprises, CIOs must play pivotal roles in the road to recovery, “seeking the next …

USA flag
Disinformation campaigns can spread like wildfire on social media

76% of Americans believe they’ve encountered disinformation firsthand and 20% say they’ve shared information later shown to be incorrect or intentionally misleading, according …

Report: Intelligent cyber threat response

Cybersecurity professionals know there are fundamental gaps in most cyber operations centers, one of which is the overwhelming level of effort required to understand cyber …

Google discloses actively exploited Windows zero-day (CVE-2020-17087)

Google researchers have made public a Windows kernel zero day vulnerability (CVE-2020-17087) that is being exploited in the wild in tandem with a Google Chrome flaw …

Technology solutions providers must empower end users to improve cybersecurity standards

Despite the fact that many organizations are turning to outside cybersecurity specialists to protect their systems and data, bringing in a third-party provider remains just a …

Moving past the madness of manually updated X.509 certificates

Microsoft’s Active Directory (AD) is by far the most widely used enterprise repository for digital identities. Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) is …

Enterprise IT security teams continue to struggle

CyberEdge conducted a web-based survey of 600 enterprise IT security professionals from seven countries and 19 industries in August 2020 in an effort to understand how the …

60% of organizations have accelerated their zero trust projects

The COVID-19 pandemic has not impacted the adoption of zero trust technology globally, a Pulse Secure report reveals. In fact, 60% of organizations said they have accelerated …

remote work
Top tasks IT professionals are spending more time on

LogMeIn released a report that reveals the current state of IT in the new era of remote work. The report quantifies the impact of COVID-19 on IT roles and priorities for small …

Most businesses are rethinking how they work

In the wake of COVID-19, nearly 72 percent of U.S. based businesses have been rethinking how they work, 58 percent of businesses feel remote working is enabling them to hire a …

Guide: 10 critical issues to cover in your vendor security questionnaires

In today’s perilous cyber world, companies must carefully check their vendors’ cyber posture, and the initial vetting of any third party typically begins with a comprehensive …

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