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cloud complexity
Remote and cloud-based systems to be ruthlessly targeted next year

Home networks, remote working software and cloud systems will be at the center of a new wave of attacks in 2021, Trend Micro predicts. Cybercriminals in 2021 will particularly …

week in review
Week in review: FireEye breach, vulnerable TCP/IP stacks, Kali Linux and the future of pentesting

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: FireEye breach: State-sponsored attackers stole hacking tools U.S. cybersecurity …

Ad-injecting malware hijacks Chrome, Edge, Firefox

When searching for things online, has a greater number of ads than usual been popping up at the top of your search results? If it has, and you’re using Microsoft Edge, …

CPRA hints at the future of cybersecurity and privacy

One of the most notable ballot propositions impacting the privacy and cybersecurity world during the US 2020 election was the passage of the California Privacy Rights Act …

2021 predictions: The rise of cyber resilience

Each year seems to come with more cyber threats, “bad actors,” ransomware and data breaches. The security industry is on fire right now with technology providers continuing to …

40% of COVID-19 contact tracing apps lack basic protections

Guardsquare announced the release of a report which reassesses the levels of security protections and privacy risks of COVID-19 contact tracing apps. The report found that of …

Joerg Appenzeller computer chip
Engineers design transistor that disguises key computer chip hardware from hackers

A hacker can reproduce a circuit on a chip by discovering what key transistors are doing in a circuit – but not if the transistor “type” is undetectable. Purdue University …

road sign
Most IT decision makers don’t trust data, but 54% still use it to make decisions

77% of IT decision makers (ITDMs) don’t completely trust the data within their organization for timely and accurate decision making, according to SnapLogic. With 98% of those …

cyber insurance
How do I select cyber insurance for my business?

There has been a 70%+ increase in the average cost of a cybercrime to an organization over five years to $13mn and a 60%+ increase in the average number of security breaches, …

Microsoft 365
Phishers bypass Microsoft 365 security controls by spoofing

A domain spoofing email phishing campaign that very convincingly impersonates Microsoft and successfully tricks legacy secure email gateways has recently been spotted by …

2020 to reach vulnerability disclosure levels similar to those in 2019

The number of vulnerability disclosures is back on track to reach or bypass 2019 as we head into 2021, according to Risk Based Security. The team aggregated 17,129 …

Researchers expose the stress levels of workers at different job positions

A Unify Square survey unveils key perspectives of enterprise employees on workplace collaboration and communication in the midst of the global pandemic. Findings highlight …

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Cybersecurity news