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Securing human resources from cyber attack

As COVID-19 forced organizations to re-imagine how the workplace operates just to maintain basic operations, HR departments and their processes became key players in the game …

10-point plan for securing employee health data collected for COVID-19 prevention

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the business landscape and, over the past few months, employers have found themselves in uncharted waters on more than one …

Facebook tools
Facebook open-sources a static analyzer for Python code

Need a tool to check your Python-based applications for security issues? Facebook has open-sourced Pysa (Python Static Analyzer), a tool that looks at how data flows through …

ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus
Critical ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus RCE flaw patched

A critical vulnerability (CVE-2020-11552) in ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus, an Active Directory password-reset solution, could allow attackers to remotely execute commands …

The precision of security undermined by a failure to correlate

If Paul Newman’s Cool Hand Luke character were to address the security industry, his opening line would likely be: “What we have here is a failure to correlate.” Today, one of …

magnifying glass
Internal investigations are changing in the age of COVID-19

Internal investigations in corporations are typically conducted by the human resources (HR) department, internal compliance teams, and/or the IT department. Some cases may …

cloud complexity
Why the rapid transition to cloud demands that DevOps shift left

To accommodate remote work policies amid COVID-19, companies have increasingly adopted the public cloud to support off-site business continuity. A MarketsandMarkets analysis …

BEC scams
6,600 organizations bombarded with 100,000+ BEC attacks

Cybercriminals are increasingly registering accounts with legitimate services, such as Gmail and AOL, to use them in impersonation and BEC attacks, according to Barracuda …

DevOps is transforming database development in the healthcare sector

As IT teams across the country struggle with smaller budgets and staffing shortages, every industry has seen a rising demand for standardized process and automation to quickly …

Week in review: Free security tools, TeamViewer flaw, Patch Tuesday forecast

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: August 2020 Patch Tuesday forecast: Planning for the end? There doesn’t seem to be an …

Researchers flag two zero-days in Windows Print Spooler

In May 2020, Microsoft patched CVE-2020-1048, a privilege escalation vulnerability in the Windows Print Spooler service discovered by Peleg Hadar and Tomer Bar from SafeBreach …

August 2020 Patch Tuesday forecast: Planning for the end?

There doesn’t seem to be an end in sight to the COVID-19 crisis, but there are some important end-of-life/end-of-support dates we should be aware of when it comes to software. …

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Cybersecurity news