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Telehealth is the future of healthcare, but how secure is it?

54 percent of Americans have opted for virtual visits during pandemic, a CynergisTek survey reveals. Of those, more than 70 percent of respondents plan to continue to use …

Large-scale migrations away from on-premise environments are underway

COVID-19 has had a massive effect on DevOps, leading to large-scale migrations away from on-premises environments, a Codefresh survey reveals. At the same time, DevOps …

Computer scientists create benchmarks to advance quantum computer performance

Two UCLA computer scientists have shown that existing compilers, which tell quantum computers how to use their circuits to execute quantum programs, inhibit the …

Updated cryptojacking worm steals AWS credentials

A malicious cryptocurrency miner and DDoS worm that has been targeting Docker systems for months now also steals Amazon Web Services (AWS) credentials. What’s more, …

Google Chrome
Chrome 86 will prominently warn about insecure forms on secure pages

Entering information into and submitting it through insecure online forms will come with very explicit warnings in the upcoming Chrome 86, Google has announced. The new alerts …

risk assessment
How do I select a risk assessment solution for my business?

One of the cornerstones of a security leader’s job is to successfully evaluate risk. A risk assessment is a thorough look at everything that can impact the security of …

Why do healthcare organizations have a target on their back?

Medical records command a high value on the dark web due to the large amount of personal information they hold. Cybercriminals can sell stolen healthcare data for a massive …

Terrascan open source software helps developers build secure cloud infrastructure

Accurics unveiled a major upgrade to Terrascan, the open source static code analyzer that enables developers to build secure infrastructure as code (IaC). The new release …

Publicly reported data breaches down 52%, exposed records way up!

Although the number of publicly reported data breaches stands at its lowest in five years, the number of records exposed is more than four times higher than any previously …

meeting room
Pandemic accelerates investments in tech, automation, workplace transformation

Umpqua Bank released a survey gauging the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the confidence and future of U.S.-based small and mid-size businesses. More than 1,200 leaders at …

Apache Struts
Potential Apache Struts 2 RCE flaw fixed, PoCs released

Have you already updated your Apache Struts 2 to version 2.5.22, released in November 2019? You might want to, and quickly, as information about a potential RCE vulnerability …

3 tips to increase speed and minimize risk when making IT decisions

There is nothing like a crisis to create a sense of urgency and spawn actions. This is especially true for enterprise IT teams, who are tasked with new responsibilities and …

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