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Security automation: Time for a new playbook

From increasingly sophisticated threats to the mad concoction of on-premise and cloud solutions that comprise most organizations’ IT infrastructure and the plethora of new IoT …

Accelerated cloud migration may leave business data insecure

The pandemic has accelerated digital transformation for 88% of global organizations. However, this increase in cloud adoption may leave business data insecure, Trend Micro …

medical devices
45 million medical images left exposed online

More than 45 million medical images – including X-rays and CT scans – are left exposed on unprotected servers, a CybelAngel report reveals. The analysts discovered millions of …

35% of organizations believe the NIS Directive expectations are unclear

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) released a report on information security spending for network and information services (NIS) under the NIS Directive, the …

Researchers develop tool that automates device programming in the IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) has ushered in a new era, with everyday items evolving into what we now refer to as cyber-physical systems. These systems are physical mechanisms …

Secure enclave protection for AI and ML

You can’t swing a virtual bat without hitting someone touting the value of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies to transform big data and human …

More than half of organizations don’t have an insider risk response plan

Both business and security leaders are allowing massive insider risk problems to fester in the aftermath of the significant shift to remote work in the past year, according to …

Countries that retaliate too much against cyberattacks make things worse for themselves

During the opening ceremonies of the 2018 Winter Olympics, held in PyeongChang, South Korea, Russian hackers launched a cyberattack that disrupted television and internet …

42% of security leaders said the pandemic has changed their cybersecurity priorities

Fudo Security published the results of it survey, enlisting the unique perspectives of a diverse, select group of CISOs, senior cybersecurity executives and industry …

High-risk vulnerabilities discovery increased 65% in 2020

2020 has been a record year for crowdsourced cybersecurity adoption, with enterprises across all industries implementing crowdsourced cybersecurity programs to keep up with …

USA flag
Hackers breached U.S. government agencies via compromised SolarWinds Orion software

A “highly sophisticated” hacking group has breached the U.S. Treasury Department, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and …

Cisco Jabber
Cisco re-patches wormable Jabber RCE flaw

In September 2020, Cisco patched four Jabber vulnerabilities (including one wormable RCE flaw), but as it turns out, three of four have not been sufficiently mitigated. The …

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