Weekly Report on Viruses and Intrusions – Sasser Worm Variants, DSScan, JohnTheRipper and Brutus.A
This week’s virus activity has centered around the epidemic caused by the appearance of four variants of the Sasser worm. However, they are not the only malicious code …
PandaLabs in the Hunt for the Authors of the Sasser Worms
– Using forensic IT techniques, PandaLabs is collecting clues that could lead to the arrest of the authors of the Sasser worm – Given the modus operandi of these …
Utimaco Chosen as Exclusive Provider of Security Solutions for PCs and Notebooks by the Finnish Government
Oberursel, May 6, 2004 – Utimaco Safeware has been chosen as exclusive provider for the Finnish Government in the field of PC and notebook security. The agreement …
Sasser Epidemic Collateral Damage
Ø Public institutions around the world, including the European Commission, have been infected by this worm Ø As Sasser causes computers to restart continually, many …
Bluefire Disables Bluetooth and Infrared Device Communication With New Version Of Mobile Security Software
BALTIMORE – May 4, 2004 – Bluefire Security Technologies announced today the availability of a major new version of its mobile security software, Bluefire Mobile …
ISL Biometrics and A4Vision Collaborate to provide 3D Facial Recognition Secured Access and Identity Monitoring Solution
ISL Biometrics strengthened the biometric identity management market this week by signing an OEM deal with A4Vision who have developed 3D facial imaging and monitoring for …
Permeo Technologies Releases Permeo Application Security Gateway 5.1
(London)-April 29th, 2004-Permeo Technologies Inc., a leading provider of next-generation remote access software solutions with customers including over 30 percent of the …
Symantec Response to Sasser Worm – New information
Name: W32.Sasser.B@Worm Description: W32.Sasser.B.Worm is a variant of W32.Sasser.Worm that is network aware worm that exploits the LSASS Microsoft vulnerability (MS04-011). …
“Linux Unwired” Released by O’Reilly
Sebastopol, CA–If you purchase a Windows or Mac OS laptop these days, it’s likely that it will come with a wireless card. There’s little more you need to do …
Certicom Licenses Intellectual Property to Research In Motion (RIM)
MISSISSAUGA, Ontario–May 3, 2004–Certicom Corp. (TSX: CIC), the authority for strong, efficient cryptography, today announced that Research In Motion (RIM) …
New Netsky Worm Poses as a Cure For Sasser
Sophos warns users not to fall for confidence trick, as Netsky author claims he is the creator of the Sasser worm Virus researchers at Sophos have warned users that a new …
GFI Slashes Prices For Event Log Monitoring by up to 60%
London, UK, 3 May 2004 – GFI has just made event log monitoring affordable to any company. Until now, monitoring event logs was relatively expensive. GFI’s …