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Weekly report on the latest vendor security advisories

SUSE Security Announcement – SUSE Security Summary Report (SUSE-SR:2006:015) Fedora Legacy Update Advisory – Updated thunderbird package fixes security issues …

Weekly report on the latest Linux security software releases

GnuPG 1.4.4 GnuPG stands for GNU Privacy Guard and is GNU’s tool for secure communication and data storage. MaraDNS 1.2.10 MaraDNS is a DNS server that strives to be …

Weekly Report on Viruses and Intruders – Kelvir.EO worm, Kukudro.A virus and Downloader.JIH trojan

Kelvir.EO is a worm with backdoor functions. It spreads by exploiting certain Windows vulnerabilities in the LSASS, RPC DCOM, Workstation Service and Plug and Play services, …

World Cup spam disrupts workers as tournament heats up

IT security firm Sophos has reported that computer users around the world are being disrupted by spam campaigns related to the World Cup as the international football … Secure Sessions for wireless hotspot users

GoTrusted today announced an innovative online Internet security service geared toward protecting users of wireless public hotspots and other insecure Internet connections. …

Anti-keylogger 7.3 for Windows released

Anti-keylogger for Windows 2000/XP provides every computer with strong protection against most types of the keylogging software, both known and unknown. Anti-keylogger blocks …

Internet Cleanup 4.0 for Macintosh released

Smith MicroSoftware announced Internet Cleanup 4.0 for Macintosh, the latest version of the popular software that protects users’ privacy and enhances their Internet …

Malicious file attached to brazilian world cup email

SurfControl is currently tracking a new malicious threat that masquerades as a video file relating to a recent dispute between the coach of the Brazilian football team and …

Web-based spyware hits to pass the million a year mark

Finjan, the global provider of best-of-breed proactive web security solutions for businesses and organisations, is advising enterprise CIO’s that web-based spyware is …

Apple releases security update for Mac OS X

Apple has released security updates for Mac OS X that fix several vulnerabilities. These flaws can be exploited by remote or local attackers to execute arbitrary code, carry …

Sophos warns of mass-spammed trojan

IT security firm Sophos has warned of a Trojan horse that has been spammed out in large quantities to email users around the world, and is currently the number one reported …

Backdoor trojan unleashes dual-media attack

Security experts at MicroWorld Technologies have received reports about a text message being spammed to mobile phone users in US and parts of Canada, thanking them for …

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Cybersecurity news