MicroWorld releases MailScan 5.0
MicroWorld Technologies today launched MailScan 5 for Mail Servers, the comprehensive Mail Security Solution at the Mail Gateway of organizations and business houses. eMail is …
Info on SCVMan.B and Killav.FG trojans, Radoppan virus family
SCVMan.B is a backdoor Trojan that terminates several processes, including some belonging to certain security tools. It also collects information about the infected computer, …
20% of trojans in 2006 were designed to steal bank details
Banker Trojans, which represented twenty percent of all trojans detected in 2006, are programs designed to intercept access to bank websites and steal the information entered …
Phishers lure victims with false claims of eBay closure
Sophos is warning computer users of a new phishing scam that tries to steal usernames and passwords from eBay users by claiming the giant auction website will close for …
MacScan 2.3 Anti-Spyware for Mac OS X just released
SecureMac announced the release of MacScan 2.3, the latest version of the company’s industry leading anti-spyware package for Macintosh computers. SecureMac listens to …
“Storm Worm” on the tail of European Storm
A significant network attack was launched globally in the early hours of Thursday morning (GMT) using news of a European storm as the hook to lure the unsuspecting. The …
NetContinuum announces record year in 2006
NetContinuum announced a record year for 2006 in which its customer base doubled to nearly 200 while its market presence expanded to 22 countries with the recent addition of …
Cyberoam’s US partner CCNY places first purchase order worth $1.2 Million
Elitecore announced receiving the first order for 200 appliances from their North American Partner CCNY. This significant first order is an important milestone for Cyberoam to …
Panda joss-stick virus is no pandemic
Sophos has urged Windows users not to panic following reports of a ‘five-star cyber worm’ that is said to have infected ‘several million’ computers …
Security threats Google mashup
eSoft, Inc. added an Internet and network threat information portal to its redesigned website. The statistics and information displayed on the portal are collected by …
Sun’s Solaris 10 sets new standards in enterprise security
Sun announced a series of updates to the Solaris 10 Operating System – Solaris 10 11/06 – that enhance efficiency, safety and reliability, providing unparalleled …
IM and P2P malware is packing a bigger punch
FaceTime announced its analysis of malware affecting today’s enterprise networks through instant messaging, P2P file sharing, and chat applications. In an analysis of …