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New study reveals password vulnerabilities

Survey by DigitalPersona and BPM Forum finds that 77% of companies believe a data breach would be devastating to their business 73% of IT and security executives think that …

Security product with Citrix session recording feature

A new feature that allows Citrix/ICA users to record all user activity on their servers is the latest security innovation by RTP’s CNS Software and TSFactory, a Virginia …

Trojans: weapon of choice for cyber-crooks

Trojans accounted for 74 percent of new malware variants that appeared during the first quarter of 2007, according to PandaLabs. This represents an increase of 20 percent …

EMEA release of Sunbelt Messaging Ninja v2.1

Nayatek announced today at Infosecurity Europe 2007 the official EMEA release of Sunbelt Messaging Ninja version 2.1, the all-in-one, best-of-breed email security product for …

Rise of web-based malware in Q1 2007

Sophos has announced the results of its research into worldwide cybercrime activity during the first three months of 2007. The findings reveal that the overall number of new …

Five percent of world’s spam sent via Polish ISP

Earlier this month, Sophos revealed that there was a surprise newcomer to the dirty dozen spam relaying countries. Having never made an appearance in this chart previously, …

Top 10 Threats in March

During the month of March, Trojan Downloader Zlob was the most commonly found Trojan worldwide. This Trojan often silently downloads and installs bogus security programs such …

Report reveals overconfidence in application penetration testing

Fortify Software has released a report, entitled “Misplaced Confidence in Application Penetration Testing,” that details overconfidence in application penetration …

Remote management solution for encrypted backup tapes and optical discs launched

DISUK launched iSecure smart card management for its Paranoia2 and SafeTape in-line encryption devices that keep vital backup data secure and compliant with standards such as …

Huntsman 5 defends against unknown threats

Tier-3 has launched Huntsman 5 which provides complete enterprise wide threat management, real time compliance and operational risk management capabilities.  …

PDF security book: “Building or Buying VPNs”

Short Cuts are short, concise, PDF documents designed specifically for busy technical professionals. Pearson just released the following title: Building or Buying VPNS …

Georgia Southern computer security expert authors new reference book “Computer Forensics”

Computer security expert Robert Newman says the average person has no idea how much information is available about him or her in cyberspace or how to prevent that information …

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