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160,000 computers infected with Mpack malware downloader

An exploit detected by NanoScan led PandaLabs on the trail to uncover Mpack, a program used to download malware onto remote computers by exploiting numerous vulnerabilites. …

Transportation Security Administration sued for reckless violation of the Privacy Act

Calling the recent loss of employee personal data a breach of the Privacy Act, the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) — which represents employees …

Tool used to control botnets across 54 countries discovered

An investigation by PandaLabs has uncovered an application -called Zunker- created by cyber-crooks to control zombie computers in botnets. In the case discovered by PandaLabs, …

New solution ensures safety of backed-up and archived data

Teradata announced that it has expanded its partnership with Protegrity Corporation to offer Defiance BAR (backup, archive, and recovery) Encryption, a new software solution …

New eBay Phishing mail scares users into revealing information

What do you do when you receive an email from an online financial company that you regularly deal with, informing you about the completion of a transaction that you never did …

Real-World ‘Hacking Demonstration’ workshops in Canada

CRYPTOCard will team up with Simple Technology Inc. to provide Ottawa organizations, resellers, and press with the first fully-interactive “Hacking Demonstration” …

PCI compliancy and daily vulnerability scanning solutions for $99 per year

Comodo announced the launch of HackerGuardian Payment Card Industry (PCI) scan compliancy solution and daily vulnerability scanning/ certification solution. Each solution is …

PGP partners with Intel

PGP Corporation, a global leader in enterprise data protection, has announced an agreement with Intel Corporation to deliver a variety of data security solutions. These …

Subsonic Scanning Engine – new content inspection engine for anti-virus and anti-spam malware scanning

Wedge Networks, a leading provider of industrial-strength network security solutions, announced today the debut of its “Subsonic Scanning Engine”, a pioneering …

Brabeion’s IT regulatory compliance solution to extended to Microsoft System Center

Brabeion Software added Microsoft to its list of strategic relationships that also includes companies such as PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and the IT Governance Institute. …

Wave of spam infected with the Alanchum.VL trojan

PandaLabs has detected a new wave of spam containing the Alanchum.VL Trojan. This is a new variant from this family of malicious code generally designed to download all types …

Smart card reader with fingerprint recognition

Assa Abloy Identification Technologies introduced a new OMNIKEY smart card reader that combines contact smart card technology with fingerprint recognition. The contact based …

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