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List of vulnerabilities fixed in the new version of Firefox

Mozilla Firefox web browser was just released. Here is a list of security vulnerabilities it fixes: MFSA 2007-25 XPCNativeWrapper pollution shutdown and moz_bug_r_a4 …

Oracle critical patch update – July 2007

Critical Patch Update is a collection of patches for multiple security vulnerabilities. It also includes non-security fixes that are required (because of interdependencies) by …

Report on email threats: massive botnets spread PDF and malware

Commtouch released its Email Threats Trend Report for the second quarter of 2007, based on the company’s real-time analysis of billions of email messages globally each …

Ransomware Trojan demands $300 for giving returning user data

PandaLabs has uncovered a new ransomware strain: Sinowal.FY. This malicious code encrypts users’ files so that they cannot access them, and demands a ransom for giving …

Next-generation 10 Gigabit enterprise threat management solution

Sourcefire has announced the upcoming release of the Sourcefire 3D9800 Sensor, which will enable users to protect their highest-performing network segments with a single …

Survey says that managing complexity still top security challenge

Managing the complexity of security continues to be the number one challenge for organizations around the globe, followed closely by preventing security breaches, enforcing …

New OnDemand application security service

Watchfire introduced AppScan OnDemand, a new outsourced service to manage web application vulnerability assessments. The new AppScan OnDemand service makes it easy for …

26 arrested in Poste Italiane phishing attack

Sophos is welcoming news that members of an alleged international phishing gang have been arrested following an investigation by Italian police. The Guardia di Finanza …

Using Yahoo Site Explorer service for crawling other web sites

As posted on GNUCITIZEN: This simple proof of concept uses Yahoo Site Explorer Service to crawl/spider other web sites. It is written entirely with JavaScript – no …

New software programmer exams for application security certification

The SANS Institute has announced the launch of the first GIAC Secure Software Programmer (GSSP) exams. The inaugural exams covering C and Java/Java EE will be held August 14, …

Collection of security news, happenings and articles from the past week

This is a weekly roundup of all the security news, articles, software releases, vendor advisories and webcasts that were published on Help Net Security during the past week. …

Malware week in review: user data stealing trojan and a couple of worms

This weeks’ PandaLabs report looks at Nukulus.A, a Trojan designed to steal users’ data, and the Winko.A and Addon.A worms. Nukulus.A is a dangerous Trojan capable …

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