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A closer look at ZoneAlarm ForceField

Check Point recently unveiled a public beta of the new ZoneAlarm ForceField, the first virtualised, on-demand browser security solution.  It works by enabling …

idBank – virtual secure identity credentials

HID Global announced the launch of the idBank System, a revolutionary vehicle for the delivery of virtual secure identity credentials. The idBank System enables the delivery …

First virtualised browser security solution

Check Point today unveiled a public beta of the new ZoneAlarm ForceField, the first virtualised, on-demand browser security solution.   ZoneAlarm ForceField Features and …

Four years in a chinese jail for gaming virus writer

Sophos writes that Chinese court has sentenced four men to jail for virus writing. The men were found to have been behind the Fujacks worm (also known as Worm.Whboy) which …

How to steal pictures with Google’s Picasa – XSS demo

From a blog post on “We’ve posted a snippet of some of the research we’ve done on Cross Application Scripting and URI exploitation. It’s …

Hosting firm’s support database a target of malicious activity

Todd Abrams, the CEO of Layered Technologies released a statement in which he stated that the company’s support database was a target of malicious activity on the …

AIRRAID2 wireless hacking tournament

AIRRAID2 s a cutting-edge wireless and wired hacking tournament that challenges participants with WiFi and Bluetooth wireless hacking against an enterprise infrastructure … phishing e-mails

There is a new batch of Amazon phishing e-mails. The address linked inside the message goes to a random collection of quite possibily compromised computers and afterwards …

Quick start program for shielding vulnerabilities in Electronic Health Record systems

In response to recent findings of the eHealth Vulnerability Reporting Program (eHVRP) study (PDF) announced on Monday, Third Brigade, a security software company specializing …

Prevent data theft from smartphones and PDAs with new SecuBox

Aiko Solutions today released SecuBox 1.3, a powerful solution for encrypting sensitive information carried on Windows Mobile smartphones and PDAs. SecuBox 1.3 offers full …

New Kerio WinRoute Firewall with Internet monitoring module

Kerio WinRoute Firewall 6.4 was just released the other day. A new version of the Internet monitoring module in Kerio WinRoute Firewall, Kerio StaR, has added enhanced, …

Survey shows average cyber-losses jumping after five-year decline

The Computer Security Institute (CSI) released its 2007 report with news that the average annual loss reported by U.S. companies in the 2007 CSI Computer Crime and Security …

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