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New password recovery tool unlocks all Office 2007 passwords

ElcomSoft released Advanced Office Password Recovery (AOPR) 4.0 which allows business managers, information technology support administrators, and law enforcement officials of …

Information Security Forum launches new standard of good practice

Aimed at major national and international organisations, the Standard provides a key resource for organisations committed to reducing the business risks associated with …

PayPal and eBay email phishing plummets

There has been a dramatic reduction in the proportion of phishing emails targeted at the customers of PayPal and its parent company eBay. SophosLabs research shows that in …

World’s first portable motion-sensing device

MicroDetector is a motion-sensing device that is portable, rechargeable and retrievable and allows monitoring via an off-premise receiver. Called “the force …

A closer look at Clean Disk Security 7.5.6

This program gives you secure file deletion, making sure that deleted files cannot be “undeleted” again. As you know, deleting a file normally just removes the …

Nine out of ten websites have serious vulnerabilities

The third WhiteHat Website Security Statistics Report highlights the top 10 vulnerabilities currently affecting organizations. Attacks on websites are on the rise, placing …

Two spammers jailed for 5 years each

Two US men have been sent to jail for more than five years each for their part in an international spam gang which bombarded innocent internet users with sexually explicit …

Built-in security and remote management for laptops

Phoenix Technologies announced Phoenix FailSafe for mobile PCs which enables OEM partners to embed an innovative command and control system into the PC core firmware to track, …

PCI merchant education program

MasterCard Worldwide announced a new PCI Merchant Education Program, an initiative offered to acquiring bank customers that provides practical assistance in educating …

Application Security announces deal with USAF

Application Security announced that the United States Air Force will be implementing its DbProtect database software security suite as part of a best-of-breed, multi-vendor …

Secure web-based identification from Microsoft and Cybercom

Cybercom and Microsoft developed a secure login solution using e-authentication for Microsoft-based networks. Microsoft’s Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server …

Oracle to roll out 51 security fixes

Oracle Critical Patch Update for October 2007 will be released on Tuesday, October 16, 2007. It will contain 51 security fixes and some of the vulnerabilities addressed affect …

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