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Guidance tips for consumers on how to navigate data security breaches

Coalition for Data Security issued its new guide First Do No Harm: How to respond when your consumer data is breached – a practical guide for action when consumers are …

Trojans were the malware that caused most infections in November

According to data gathered by the online antivirus Panda ActiveScan, Trojans (25%) and adware (23%) were the malware that caused most computer infections in November. Worms …

New U.S. Patent for network port profiling

Lancope announced that U.S. Patent No. 7,290,283 has been issued for the company’s groundbreaking network port profiling invention, which delivers a more accurate and …

Security issues with MD5 hash values

Researchers Marc Stevens, Arjen Lenstra and Benne de Weger released a paper titled “Vulnerability of software integrity and code signing applications to chosen-prefix …

New version of GFI EndPointSecurity released

GFI Software released a new version of GFI EndPointSecurity, a solution that helps to control the use of portable storage devices – such as iPods, flash drives, USB …

Trojans target Lineage online game players

PandaLabs has detected the appearance of four new variants of the Lineage Trojan over the last two days. These new variants are Lineage.GNH, Lineage.GNE, Lineage.GMT and …

New security book – “The Craft of System Security”

Whether you’re a security practitioner, developer, manager, administrator, or user, this book will give you the deep understanding necessary to meet today’s …

FBI “Operation Bot Roast II” may underestimate global botnet threat

Yesterday the FBI reported it had obtained three new indictments and successfully secured key convictions of botnet cyber criminals.  In June 2007, part one of the FBI …

Teenager allegedly headed international hacking ring

Sophos reports that a teenager from New Zealand, believed to be the brains behind an international cyber gang, has been arrested. The gang was allegedly responsible for …

New Zealand botnet crackdown dangerous despite 2007 bots drop

The botnet crackdown in New Zealand is only tip of the iceberg. The majority of people with compromised computers do not even know their computers are being used for criminal …

Free security scan available for the new SANS Top 20

Qualys announced the availability of a free network scanning service to help companies find and eliminate vulnerabilities listed in the annual SANS Top 20 update for 2007 that …

VirusScan now available on Mac OS X Leopard

VirusScan for Mac v8.6 is one of the first anti-virus solutions for Apple’s newest operating system, Mac OS X version 10.5 Leopard. With the release of McAfee VirusScan …

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