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Verizon rolls out unified threat management service

To help companies around the world better defend against the rising number of security threats, Verizon Business will monitor and manage a range of products that combine …

New GateKeeper prevents leap-frogging to unauthorized areas

Xceedium announced the availability of Xceedium GateKeeper 4.0, which delivers patent-pending LeapFrog Prevention technology, FIPS 140-2, Level 2 certification and other new …

Video: Relay attacks on card payment – vulnerabilities and defenses

Relay attacks allow criminals to use credit or debit cards for fraudulent transactions, completely bypassing protections in today’s electronic payment systems. This talk …

Beta version of safeSEARCH v2.0 browser toolbar

CyberDefender’s safeSEARCH Toolbar v2.0 BETA is a free browser plug-in that offers an improved search experience while protecting personal information and ensuring …

Research and analysis of stealth Master Boot Record rootkit

In 2005 Derek Soeder and Ryan Permeh, researchers from eEye Digital Security, presented eEye BootRoot. The technique used in their project wasn’t new and had been …

Top threats and security trends for 2008

Security experts at AVG published their analysis of 2007’s top viruses, Internet hacks and exploits, and reveal their forecast for the top security threats facing …

Looking back at 2007’s top viruses

Viruses made up some 15 percent of the threat landscape in 2007. According to AVG global security strategist Larry Bridwell, the 10 viruses exhibiting the most staying power …

NetSecurity opens state-of-the-art computer forensics lab

NetSecurity Corporation announced the launch of NetSecurity Forensic Labs, a state-of-the-art secure facility offering computer forensics investigation, electronic discovery, …

Test the security of your PC with F-Secure’s online Health Check

F-Secure Health Check enables Internet users to perform a comprehensive over-the-web check on the overall security status of their PC, including the operating system, web …

Free version of BinarySEC web application firewall

BinarySEC is a web application software firewall, that learns legitimate traffic of any website or web application running on Apache and blocks suspicious traffic. BinarySEC …

Year-end email threats trend report

Commtouch just released its 2007 Q4 Email Threats Trend Report, based on the automated analysis of billions of email messages weekly. The report examines recent trends in …

Yahoo! Mail rolls out new spam defense system

Yahoo! is tightening up their spam controls with a significant new defense system. They are now rejecting e-mail coming from zombie computers and identifying them with …

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