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Malware findings 2007: Social networking security concerns

According to FaceTime Security Labs, the increasing threat over this past year has been the boldness of a growing underclass of glory hackers on social networking sites such …

10,000 US Websites infected with crimeware toolkit

Finjan has identified significant new web attack – the latest in a genre of crimeware that threatens to turn highly trusted web sites into insidious traps for unwary …

5 VoIP threat predictions for 2008

Sipera VIPER Lab today revealed its Top 5 VoIP Threat Predictions for 2008. As with its “Top 5 VoIP Vulnerabilities in 2007” list, the Sipera VIPER team leveraged …

USB encryption product news #2: SafeHouse 3.0

PC Dynamics announced the release of its new SafeHouse 3.0 data privacy and encryption software with dozens of new features including greatly-enhanced support for USB memory …

USB encryption product news #1: KeyPoint Solo Vault

RedCannon Security announced the RedCannon KeyPoint Solo Vault, a software solution to protect sensitive data stored on USB devices. RedCannon KeyPoint Solo Vault provides …

Information Security Forum: It is time to take information classification seriously

Recent high profile date losses have highlighted the need for better information classification and the implementation of data protection measures based on the level of …

Wireless security lacking at a large convention

AirDefense unveiled results from its wireless airwave monitoring on Monday, January 14, at the 97th annual National Retail Federation (NRF) Convention & Expo. AirDefense …

Don’t fall in love with the Storm worm

Experts at SophosLabs have warned of a widespread email posing as a message of love which has been widely spammed across the internet in an attempt to install malicious code. …

Four charged with scheme to defraud Cisco of networking equipment

Charles Levi Lytle pleaded guilty yesterday to mail fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit mail fraud and wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit money laundering, by …

MySpace aims to enhance security

In a joint effort to increase the safety of teens online, MySpace and Attorneys General in the Multi-State Working Group on Social Networking representing 49 states and the …

Information security still primary concern

Information Security Management will be the most important initiative affecting IT strategy, investment and implementation in business organizations over the next 12-18 …

Biometric protection for Mac

UPEK just launched Protector Suite for Mac, software that allows Mac users to increase both security and convenience with the simple swipe of their unique finger. Protector …

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