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Where is malware hosted?

The results of Sophos research into which countries contain the most malware-hosting websites reveal some significant changes over last year’s top ten list. China has …

IBM Lotus Quickr file encryption solution

New Voltage SecureFile for IBM Lotus Quickr brings information encryption to documents within the Lotus collaboration environment.Voltage SecureFile for IBM Lotus Quickr …

Listing of recent cybercrime related arrests

The repercussions for cybercriminals are finally coming in line with the severity of their crimes. With international computer crime authorities joining efforts in a bid to …

Storm worm chronology

The Storm worm, also known as Dref or Dorf, was 2007’s most disruptive threat, with around 50,000 variants seen over the course of 2007. The criminals behind the Storm …

2008 threat report: Mobile security threats

More info from the Sophos Threat Report for 2008. There are approximately 200 malware threats for mobile phones, compared to over 300,000 for Windows. The risk of being …

Mac security under real threat?

In its latest security threat report, Sophos reveals that in 2007 organised criminal gangs for the first time arrived at Apple’s doorstep with the intention of stealing …

RFID replay attack allows free travel in The Netherlands

A week ago a TV program was broadcasted about the successful attack on the single-use RFID-based Dutch public transit card by computer science student Roel Verdult of the …

Weekend “fun” with the vulnerable RIAA web site

Over the weekend many Internet surfers had the chance to witness an online “play” with Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) web site. It looks like the …

Security fixes in new Apache HTTP Server versions 1.3.41, 2.0.63 and 2.2.8

The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project announced the release of new Apache HTTP servers, versions 1.3.41, 2.0.63 and 2.2.8. The new releases fix a …

Adobe addresses potential cross-site scripting vulnerabilities

Input validation errors have been identified in code generated by Dreamweaver and Contribute which could lead to potential cross-site scripting attacks. Only users who have …

Ministry of Defence confirms loss of recruitment data

UK’s Ministry of Defence confirmed that a laptop was stolen from a Royal Navy officer in Birmingham last week, on the night of 9/10 January, and as a result, a large …

Video: demonstration of the Mac OS X DNSChanger Trojan

The video demonstrates the results of the DNS changes made on a Mac OS X system.

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