Spy dust catches thieves: FBI says “no comment”
Nox Defense has released an invisible perimeter defense technology, which combines high-resolution video pictures and RFID tags, sometimes referred to as “spy …
Research project enhances existing OpenSolaris security functionality
Sun Microsystems and the United States’ National Security Agency (NSA) announced an agreement to jointly work within the OpenSolaris community to research and to develop …
IBM cracks Web 2.0 security concerns with “SMash”
IBM announced new technology to secure “mashups,” web applications that pull information from multiple sources, such as Web sites, enterprise databases or emails, …
Mobile and remote working: is it secure?
The move towards remote and mobile working seems to be an unstoppable trend. Research by ZDNet and Rhetorik found that the penetration of mobile workers across the UK …
Comodo releases full version of Trustix Enterprise Firewall for free
Comodo announced the commercial release of Trustix Enterprise Firewall (TEF) version 4.8, a free enterprise class LINUX-based firewall solution. Trustix Enterprise …
First end-point security solution for Android OS
Savant Protection’s end-point security solution has been successfully ported to Android providing optimum security against cyber-security threats for the much …
Top 10 countries relaying spam per capita
Sophos revealed the top ten countries relaying the most spam per capita. The top three spam-relaying countries – the United States, Russia and China – which …
Microsoft releases four critical security bulletins
Another Patch Tuesday and Microsoft comes out with critical vulnerabilities are in Microsoft Office. Users are recommended to update as soon as possible. Vulnerabilities in …
Health privacy project launched
The Center for Democracy & Technology launched a major project on health privacy and information technology. To fulfill an ambitious agenda CDT is joining forces with the …
Microsoft updates Office 2008 for Mac
The Office 2008 for Mac 12.0.1 Update contains several changes that improve security, stability, and performance. These changes include fixes for users of Mac OS X 10.5 …
InfoSec World 2008: Expo photos #3
Here’s a collection of photos from the show floor where the InfoSec World Conference & Expo 2008 is taking place.
InfoSec World 2008: New version of AirDefense wireless intrusion prevention solution
AirDefense launched AirDefense Enterprise 7.3, the wireless intrusion prevention platform featuring the first software-only Spectrum Analysis solution. Using Spectrum …
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- MITRE Caldera RCE vulnerability with public PoC fixed, patch ASAP! (CVE-2025–27364)
- OSPS Baseline: Practical security best practices for open source software projects