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New Firewall Analyzer product suite

AlgoSec announced the availability of the AlgoSec Firewall Analyzer (AFA) product suite. The new suite, which improves the overall security and efficiency of enterprise …

New product: Sophos Endpoint Security and Control 8.0

Sophos announced Sophos Endpoint Security and Control 8.0, incorporating Network Access Control technology to go beyond reactive and proactive anti-virus – offering …

New version of BullGuard Backup

BullGuard released BullGuard Backup 8.0, the second version of its stand-alone backup offering. New features include improved encryption and compression options, a larger …

Identikey Server 3.0 – new authentication solution for large enterprises

VASCO Data Security International announced today that it launches its new authentication server, Identikey Server 3.0. This authentication solution, based on VACMAN’s …

Four key steps every company should take to protect its critical data

Ecora Software outlined a series of safeguards that companies should consider implementing in order to be protected from harm caused by unauthorized access to critical data. …

New versions of Veritas Storage Foundation and Cluster Server 5.1

Symantec announced Veritas Storage Foundation and Veritas Cluster Server 5.1 for Windows, the industry leading heterogeneous storage management and high availability solution …

Spammers are leveraging Google applications

BitDefender antispam analysts have detected that Nigerian scam spammers are using a new gateway to target the corporate world: Google Calendar. Nigerian scam spammers are …

SSL VPN technology is enhancing virtual services

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) virtual private networks (VPN) solutions have matured past some of their initial shortcomings, but face consistent restraints such as budget …

Secure Mail next gen email security appliance

Secure Computing announced a new version of its on-premise email security solution, Secure Mail (formerly known as IronMail). This new version is capable of processing more …

fideAS a new file encryption solution

Applied Security has launched its new fideAS enterprise file and folder encryption solution to protect and secure access to sensitive data on fileservers, deskops and laptops …

QualysGuard receives new vulnerability checks

Each month, Microsoft releases new security patches that may impact devices on your network. Many organizations struggle to understand and prioritize these patches and …

IBM z/OS V1R9 evaluated – Common Criteria certification at EAL4+

atsec information security recently completed the Common Criteria evaluation of IBM z/OS V1R9. The certificate was awarded by Germany’s Federal Office for Information …

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