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Medium businesses in the US to invest US$7.8B on storage and security

Medium-sized businesses (MBs or companies with 100-999 employees) in the United States are on track to invest up to US$7.8 billion on data storage and security this year, …

eBay applauds arrest of a Romanian cyber-criminal

eBay today publicly thanked the Romanian General Directorate for Combating Organized Crime (DGCCOA), in cooperation with the United States Secret Service and the Federal …

The security content of Safari 3.1.1

Apple released Safari 3.1.1 that contains several security fixes. Issues affect Mac OS X, Windows XP and Vista. A maliciously crafted website may control the contents of the …

Virtualized “concrete bunker” to prevent identity theft and cyber crime

Authentium’s SafeCentral is a convenient Web service that lets anyone surf the Internet in complete privacy and safety, even if their computer is already infected with …

Former federal agents open identity theft protection company

iSekurity, a full-service identity theft protection and detection company comprised of more than 100 former federal agents, officially opened for business today. …

Smart Card Alliance spearheads new agenda for CTST 2008 conference

The Smart Card Alliance is bringing its industry knowledge and experience to the conference program of the premier event in the payments and security industry for the …

New book: “Vulnerability Management For Dummies”

Qualys has teamed up with John Wiley & Sons to publish the first “Vulnerability Management For Dummies”. This is the first accessible, easy-to-read guide to …

Roaming workers up to no good on the web

In data released today, ScanSafe has confirmed the long held belief that employees are engaging in risky web surfing when working outside the office. The company found that …

Global Security Challenge offers $500K in grants

Global Security Challenge (GSC), the largest international security innovation competition, is open for entries, offering security start-ups worldwide the opportunity to …

RFID solution for IT asset tracking

Companies are challenged with accounting for millions of dollars of owned and leased IT assets within their expansive data centers. Of even greater concern is the potential …

Windows Live Hotmail CAPTCHA cracked by spambots

Websense Security Labs ThreatSeeker technology has discovered that spammers in their recent tactics have drawn their attention towards traditional and infamous Hotmail, aka …

Unique exploitation scenario using a recently disclosed Flash vulnerability

Memory corruption vulnerabilities are becoming increasingly difficult to exploit, largely due to the protection mechanisms being integrated into most modern operating systems. …

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