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BeyondTrust announces Vista UAC security

BeyondTrust Corporation released Privilege Manager 4.0, the first product to use Group Policy to manage Vista Integrity Levels. It enables customers to set the integrity level …

Compliance Coach identifies 23 identity theft red flags

The Federal regulation imposes new responsibilities on businesses to prevent consumer identity theft. The impact is broad and the rule affects every single bank, credit union, …

NetMotion launches Mobility XE 8.0

NetMotion Wireless released version 8.0 of Mobility XE, the mobile VPN software. This latest version provides new security controls that intelligently extend corporate …

Enterprises move to the next level in security needs

Enterprises in Asia have long gone beyond appreciating the role of security in integrating technology with their businesses. Today, they have matured to the next crucial stage …

Three steps for PCI DSS Compliance on Wi-Fi devices

A new white paper from Summit Data Communications reveals three best practices for ensuring that Wi-Fi client devices are compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data …

Book giveaway – win a copy of “Zero Day Threat”

Update (May 12th 2008) – The winner is Travis N. We are giving one of our readers a copy of the recently released book “Zero Day Threat: The Shocking Truth of How …

April highlights: new spamming technique and Olympics themed targeted attacks

On the cusp of the 30th anniversary of the first spam message, MessageLabs identified a new spamming technique being used to send authenticated spam email via Yahoo!’s …

Storm botnet calms down

Analysis shows that during April, the Storm botnet has dramatically decreased to just five percent of its original size, while web-based malware has increased by 23.3 percent. …

Abraxas acquires Anonymizer, Inc

Richard Helms, CEO and Founder of Abraxas Corporation today announced the acquisition of San Diego-based Anonymizer, Inc. In making the announcement, Mr. Helms noted that: We …

IronKey unveils 8GB version of secure USB drive

The 8GB model is the latest version in the IronKey product line that currently includes 1GB, 2GB and 4GB options. All user data on an IronKey is encrypted with high-speed …

87 percent of consumers question safety of personal information

Despite placing the security of their personal information as a top priority, many U.S. adults are unwittingly engaging in everyday activities that could put their privacy in …

Spam reaches its 30th anniversary

The first ever spam message was sent on 1st May 1978 by Gary Thuerk, a marketing representative at the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), to 393 users of ARPANET. Recent …

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