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Microsoft releases 4 critical security bulletins

Another Patch Tuesday and Microsoft comes out with a variety of patches, and this series is quite serious. Users are recommended to update as soon as possible. The critical …

Clean IT for Windows Server 2008

Configuresoft announced the availability of the compliance toolkit for hardening Microsoft Windows 2008 servers based on Microsoft recommended best practices. As organizations …

Portable hard disk suited for high security

MXI Security announced that the new 2.5-inch Outbacker MXPTM has received FIPS 140-2 Level 2 validation, Certificate number 1022. More versatile and secure than standard USB …

New MacScan with Firefox 3 support

New version of MacScan anti-spwyare tool enhances protection against the latest threats to OS X, including support for the Firefox 3 web browser with targeted built-in cookie …

New book: “The Productive Programmer”

The Productive Programmer (O’Reilly) by master developer Neal Ford offers critical timesaving and productivity tools that you can adopt right away, no matter what …

New Kerio WinRoute Firewall with a link load balancer

New Kerio WinRoute Firewall 6.5 includes a new link load balancer that distributes network traffic between multiple Internet connections, providing high availability and …

Barack Obama sex video tries to steal your bank details

Sophos identified a a widespread spam campaign that claims to contain a link to a sex video of Barack Obama. Users that click on the link will not see the video they expected, …

Call centers lack adequate disaster recovery plans

Empirix announced the results of the new DMG Consulting research study titled, “Business as Usual? A Benchmarking Study of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity for …

Enterprise data monitoring and data security policy language patent

United States Patent and Trademark Office awarded Tizor Systems a new U.S. Patent (U.S. Patent Number 7,415,719) on August 19, 2008. The patent is for the first comprehensive …

Plug-in for enchanced Apache SpamAssassin spam and malware detection

Commtouch today announced the availability of its new plug-in for Apache SpamAssassin, which offers enhanced spam and malware detection based on Commtouch Recurrent Pattern …

One of the first US pump-and-dump scheme prosecutions

A resident of Malaysia was sentenced today to two years in prison on a conspiracy charge that arose from an international fraud scheme to “hack” into online …

New book: “Intellectual Property and Open Source”

Intellectual Property and Open Source is for anyone who wants to understand how the law views intellectual property rights in code and other content. As an attorney and a …

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