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Expanded IPSec VPN secure client for PCs and handhelds

NCP engineering GmbH announced the 9.1 version of the NCP Secure Enterprise Client. Available in North America on December 5th, this major upgrade to NCP’s universal …

Major spam botnets yet to recover after host shut-down

One week after the world’s most significant breakthrough in the fight against spam, spam levels are yet to return to their previous levels, according to security experts …

Juvenile computer hacker pleads guilty

A male juvenile, who has been widely known in the hacker underground by his online moniker, Dshocker, pled guilty today in U.S. District Court to computer intrusion, …

Application Aware Firewalling from SonicWALL

SonicWALL announced the introduction of Application Aware Firewalling for all next generation SonicWALL NSA firewalls. This advancement identifies and classifies applications, …

Security issues in group management

Consider the security risk if you moved into a new apartment and the landlord didn’t bother getting the keys back from the previous tenants. One night while you are away …

McAfee completes acquisition of Secure Computing

McAfee announced that it has completed the acquisition of Secure Computing Corporation for $5.75 per common share in cash, representing an equity value for Secure …

Winners of (ISC)2 Annual Cyber Security Awareness Contest

(ISC)2 announced the winners of its Cyber Security Awareness Month contest, where top professionals from around the world submitted security awareness materials to the Cyber …

New firewall matrix analysis technology

New AlgoSec Firewall Analyzer (AFA) Version 5.0 extends the solution’s capabilities to deliver the industry’s first Matrix Analysis, or tiered firewall-specific …

New book: “Ubuntu Kung Fu”

In “Ubuntu Kung Fu“, award-winning Linux author Keir Thomas gets down and dirty with Ubuntu to provide over 300 concise tips that enhance productivity, avoid …

Study on enterprise encryption trends in Australia

The key findings of the 2008 Annual Study: Australian Enterprise Encryption Trends demonstrate organisations continue to move towards a more strategic approach to …

Quality assurance program for PCI assessment community

The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) has launched a quality assurance program for Qualified Security Assessors (QSAs) and Approved Scanning Vendors (ASVs).  The new …

Most corporations ignore SharePoint security risks

A survey of more than 150 business managers reveals that companies are largely unaware of what is happening within Microsoft SharePoint Environments. They do not know if …

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