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SaaS security: How to avoid “death by 1000 apps”

SaaS applications have become synonymous with modern business environments, and CISOs and security teams struggle to find a happy medium between ensuring the security of their …

Only 10% of vulnerabilities are remediated each month

A research from SecurityScorecard and The Cyentia Institute revealed only 60% of organizations have improved their security posture despite a 15-fold increase in cyber-attacks …

Why do organizations need to prioritize ransomware preparedness?

Hitachi Vantara and Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) announced the findings of a survey of more than 600 IT and cybersecurity professionals, which revealed that 79% respondents …

Strong passwords still a priority strategy for enterprises

Bitwarden announced the results of a global survey of enterprise security decision makers, conducted by 451 Research, which explores enterprise password management practices …

Metasploit 6.2.0 comes with 138 new modules, 148 enhancements and features

Metasploit is the world’s most used penetration testing framework. It helps security teams verify vulnerabilities, manage security assessments, and improve security awareness. …

Microsoft helps prevent lateral movement from compromised unmanaged devices

A new feature in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can make it more difficult for attackers to perform lateral movement within company networks, as it allows admins to prevent …

API security warrants its own specific solution

Application programming interfaces (APIs) enable developers to quickly and easily roll-out services but they’re also equally attractive to attackers. This is because they can …

Businesses are leaving bot attacks unchallenged for almost four months

Netacea released its report into how businesses are dealing with bot attacks. It reveals one key area where businesses are failing to tackle bot attacks — bots are going …

Increased cloud complexity needs stronger cybersecurity

A Thales report, conducted by 451 Research, reveals that 45% of businesses have experienced a cloud-based data breach or failed audit in the past 12 months, up 5% from the …

45% of cybersecurity pros are considering quitting the industry due to stress

Deep Instinct released the third edition of its annual Voice of SecOps Report, focused on the increasing and unsustainable stress levels among 1,000 C-suite and senior …

week in review
Week in review: Follina exploit delivers Qbot malware, Patch Tuesday forecast, RSAC 2022

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles, interviews and videos: RSA Conference 2022 coverage Check out our microsite for related news, …

Researchers unearth highly evasive “parasitic” Linux malware

Security researchers at Intezer and BlackBerry have documented Symbiote, a wholly unique, multi-purpose piece of Linux malware that is nearly impossible to detect. “What …

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