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Benchmarks for developing and growing an enterprise-wide software security program

Fortify Software released the “Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM),” the industry’s first-ever set of benchmarks for developing and growing an …

Wireless security in embedded products

Digi International introduced NET+OS 7.4, the latest version of its royalty free software platform for network enabled embedded system development. NET+OS 7.4 features Wi-Fi …

F-Secure survey finds people still insecure online

F-Secure’s annual Online Wellbeing uncovered Internet users’ feelings of personal online security with regards to online banking, children’s safety while …

Gartner: Server shipments and revenue experience huge declines in Q4 2008

Worldwide server shipments in the fourth quarter of 2008 declined 11.7 percent decline from the fourth quarter of 2007, while server revenue decreased 15.1 percent, according …

Virtualization security beyond the firewall

Catbird announced the release of VMShield 2.0 with V-Tracker. VMShield 2.0 leapfrogs legacy virtual firewall technology to enforce compliance and policy of both network and VM …

UNIX/Linux root access control software

Symark International announced PowerBroker 5.2, the most comprehensive solution for authorization and access control within heterogeneous UNIX/Linux IT environments. Through …

New ProSafe managed layer 2 fast ethernet switches

Netgear announced the expansion of its ProSafe FSM line of managed, Fast Ethernet switches which combine high-performance, manageability and a small 1U form factor with the …

Firefox 3.0.7 fixes several security issues

Mozilla just released Firefox 3.0.7 that fixes a variety of security and stability issues as well as bugs. MFSA 2009-11 URL spoofing with invisible control characters Certain …

March 2009 threat forecast: from coupons to World Cup

A new MX Logic Threat Forecast was just released and here are the highlights. Coupon caution Given the ongoing economic climate and some recent, successful spam campaigns by …

Fast, easy things to do with the Trusted Platform Module

Most enterprises today can easily determine exactly who is on their networks, prevent data loss and manage passwords using widely available tools and at little initial cost or …

New cloud technology: Real-Time Application Mobility

IBM and SAP previewed a technology that enables the live migration of SAP applications across remote IBM POWER6 systems via cloud computing. The technology, developed as a …

Web 2.0 application controls from Aladdin

Aladdin Knowledge Systems announced that Aladdin eSafe is the industry’s first Web security solution that offers advanced Web 2.0 application controls for popular social …

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