Database security for Microsoft SQL Server
Sentrigo announced Hedgehog 3.0, which now supports Microsoft SQL Server 2008 running on Windows Server 2008, as well as SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2000 running on earlier …
New measures to cut off UK file sharers could do more harm than good
Sophos is reminding computer users and businesses of the importance of protecting internet connections and networks following news that the UK government will propose new laws …
Freeware network discovery and IP address management tool
The Infoblox IPAM freeware application replaces manual processes, custom scripts, and spreadsheets with out-of-the-box automation and graphical tools for monitoring and …
Vulnerability and potential exploit in Cisco WLAN access points
The AirMagnet Intrusion Research Team has uncovered a new wireless vulnerability and potential exploit associated with Cisco wireless LAN infrastructure. The vulnerability …
Cisco doubles density of high-performance edge router
Cisco announced it is doubling the density of its flagship edge router, the Cisco Aggregation Services Router 9000 Series. Also introduced is a new single-slot 16 x 10 Gigabit …
GPS child tracking device from Amber Alert
Amber Alert GPS today launched the Amber Alert GPS 2G, a child tracking device enabling parents to always know where their children are. Amber Alert GPS 2G gives parents the …
Video: Web application scanning with Nessus
Scanning web applications with Nessus offers the end user several new configuration options in the Nessus client. You should take into account: Number of web servers and …
Defunct company forbidden to sell customer’s biometric data
Wired reports that Clear, one of the 7 companies that have been approved by the Transportation Security Administration and that provided the service of helping passengers get …
Video: Tor and nmap with tortunnel
In the video below we look at how you can preform a port scan through a tor network by jumping to the exit node with Moxie’s excellent tortunnel tool. We also look at …
New variant of the OSX_JAHLAV malware in the wild
Trend Micro researcher Ivan Macalintal, discovered another variant of the JAHLAV family: OSX_JAHLAV.I affecting Mac OS X. Once again, this malware comes in the form of a …
Military server compromised
The Boston Globe reports that a random online search for software revealed a serious security breach into the servers of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) at …
A rising threat: Real-time keyloggers
According to Saul Hansell, a NY Times blogger, attackers have improved keylogging software by making it able to report your login credentials in real time via a Twitter-like …