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Vulnerability and potential exploit in Cisco WLAN access points

The AirMagnet Intrusion Research Team has uncovered a new wireless vulnerability and potential exploit associated with Cisco wireless LAN infrastructure. The vulnerability …

Cisco doubles density of high-performance edge router

Cisco announced it is doubling the density of its flagship edge router, the Cisco Aggregation Services Router 9000 Series. Also introduced is a new single-slot 16 x 10 Gigabit …

GPS child tracking device from Amber Alert

Amber Alert GPS today launched the Amber Alert GPS 2G, a child tracking device enabling parents to always know where their children are. Amber Alert GPS 2G gives parents the …

Video: Web application scanning with Nessus

Scanning web applications with Nessus offers the end user several new configuration options in the Nessus client. You should take into account: Number of web servers and …

Defunct company forbidden to sell customer’s biometric data

Wired reports that Clear, one of the 7 companies that have been approved by the Transportation Security Administration and that provided the service of helping passengers get …

Video: Tor and nmap with tortunnel

In the video below we look at how you can preform a port scan through a tor network by jumping to the exit node with Moxie’s excellent tortunnel tool. We also look at …

New variant of the OSX_JAHLAV malware in the wild

Trend Micro researcher Ivan Macalintal, discovered another variant of the JAHLAV family: OSX_JAHLAV.I affecting Mac OS X. Once again, this malware comes in the form of a …

Military server compromised

The Boston Globe reports that a random online search for software revealed a serious security breach into the servers of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) at …

A rising threat: Real-time keyloggers

According to Saul Hansell, a NY Times blogger, attackers have improved keylogging software by making it able to report your login credentials in real time via a Twitter-like …

It’s official: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard available on August 28th

Apple today included a pre-order of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard on the Apple Store and has it in stock as well. To the delight of Mac users, this proves that the …

The crime organizations behind most cyber criminal activity

Money makes the world go around. Those who don’t have it, want it, and those who have it – want more of it. Organized crimes operations are know for their …

New book: “Programming the Semantic Web”

The promise of the semantic web – in which machines can find, share, and combine data on the Web – is not just a technical possibility, but a practical reality. …

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