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(ISC)2 names finalists for 2009 U.S. Government Information Security Leadership Awards

(ISC)2 announced the final nominees for its sixth annual Government Information Security Leadership Awards (GISLAs). The GISLAs are awarded annually to individuals who have …

Comodo delivers PKI certificates inventorying agent

Enterprises have hundreds, or even thousands, of SSL certificates installed across their global networks. Such large and distributed deployments beleaguer managers with the …

New version of video surveillance appliance by TimeSight

TimeSight Systems announced TimeSight version 2.4, a intelligent network video recorder software to provide automated Video Lifecycle Management capability. The new release …

Nessus 4.0.2 released

Tenable Network Security has released version 4.0.2 of the Nessus vulnerability scanner. This release includes several fixes and support for the latest operating systems from …

OpenDNS announces premium, cloud-Based DNS infrastructure and security services

OpenDNS is currently developing OpenDNS Deluxe and OpenDNS Enterprise, two new service offerings designed to meet the DNS infrastructure and security needs of SMBs and large …

Hathaway on cyber security for the first time after leaving the White House

Former cyber security czar Melissa Hathaway addressed the public for the first time since resigning her post of Acting Senior Director for Cyberspace for the National Security …

SANS outlines the top cyber security risks

SANS released the “Top Cyber Security Risks” report which covers covers March-August 2009 that features attack data from TippingPoint intrusion prevention systems …

Is there a future for global cooperation against cyber attacks?

There is a seemingly bleak future in store for all of us regarding the issue of international cooperation against cyber attacks. nextgov reports that the problem rests in the …

RF Security Manager for 802.11n networks from Xirrus

Xirrus announced its RF Security Manager for improving security and minimizing the risk in deploying 802.11n wireless networks. Today’s Wi-Fi networks face a number of …

Video: Death of Patrick Swayze exploited by cyber criminals

Attackers have created malicious websites posing as information about the death of Dirty Dancing actor Patrick Swayze.

Application compatibility testing with Windows 7 support

App-DNA introduced version 4 of AppTitude, an application compatibility testing solution that helps organizations learn where is the best place to run an application and why. …

Security management system with multi-dimensional scalability

MAXxess Systems announced eFusion, a new security management system. Business needs today are obliging Electronic Security systems to scale up – in terms of addressing a …

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