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Improved DNS security for .com and .net domains

It seems that after 15 years of predicting better security for the Domain Name System, the time has finally come for the implementation of DNSSEC, the technology that adds …

Raising security awareness in India

Securitybyte & OWASP AppSec Asia Conference 2009, India’s largest security conference, opened its doors today at the magnificent Hotel Crowne Plaza in Gurgaon. One …

Fedora 12 released

Fedora is a popular Linux-based operating system, that just reached version 12. Fedora 12 (Constantine) is filled with improvements that make Linux better than ever for all …

Healthcare vulnerability to data breach

Business associates, those who handle private patient information for healthcare organizations – including everyone from billing, credit bureaus, benefits management, …

India’s largest security conference opened its doors

Today was the first day of India’s largest security conference – Securitybyte & OWASP AppSec Asia Conference 2009. Help Net Security is attending the event …

Metasploit Framework 3.3 released

The Metasploit Framework is a development platform for creating security tools and exploits. The framework is used by network security professionals to perform penetration …

Secure advanced Web server for Unix

Hiawatha is a secure and advanced Web server for Unix. It features a rootjail, the ability to run CGIs under any UID/GID you want, prevention of SQL injection and cross-site …

First Windows 7 zero-day bug confirmed by Microsoft

The first Windows 7 vulnerability has been confirmed by Microsoft – a denial of service vulnerability in the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol that cannot be used to …

Malicious “Balance Checker Tool”

TrendLabs warns about spam messages with the subject “Your credit balance is over its limits” professing to be from Vodafone and Verizon Wireless. The email states …

(IN)SECURE Magazine issue 23 released

(IN)SECURE Magazine is a free digital security publication discussing some of the hottest information security topics. Issue 23 has been released today. Table of contents …

Most security products fail to perform

Nearly 80 percent of security products fail to perform as intended when first tested and generally require two or more cycles of testing before achieving certification, …

Safe online shopping tips

Cyber Monday, one of the busiest days of the year for online shopping, is quickly approaching (Nov. 30), and a new national survey from ISACA shows employees plan to spend the …

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